
Our College relies on friends – for advocacy, good counsel and the philanthropic support that helps us serve our students, especially those who rely on scholarships and other aid.

Nearby friends see the power of positive change that CMN brings to the lives of its students and to the vitality of its communities.  Far away friends know us only by our story and the good reputation of CMN accomplishments.

The CMN Development Office exists as a bridge between the College and its friends – helping tell the CMN story, introducing new friends to our mission, and finding others who will want to become supporters.

The Development Office invites all who are interested to make the College part of their charitable giving through the CMN Annual Fund and other giving opportunities. We mail Menominee College Notebook to donors and other stakeholders. Special events bring visitors to the campuses in Keshena and Green Bay to learn our approach to education, enjoy facilities, and see CMN in action.

Development Office staff members are here to explain how your charitable contribution will serve Indian and non-Indian students, advance our educational theme of learning that fosters sustainable living, and improve the quality of life for people everywhere.


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