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Watershed Protection & Flood Mitigation

The Watershed Protection & Flood Mitigation Program is directed to prevent flood damages, review and approve floodplain designations prior to adoption by local governmental entities, and provide local jurisdictions with technical assistance and floodplain information. In addition, an August 1, 1977 Executive Order requires the CWCB and the Land Use Commission to provide assistance to entities in meeting the requirements of the National Flood Insurance Program.
The Watershed Protection & Flood Mitigation Program conducts the following activities:
  • Review and approve new maps and updates and revisions to current maps to designate floodplains.
  • Produce and review floodplain studies to identify floodplains and clarify flood-related issues for CWCB and other state, federal, and local entities.
  • Prepare for and respond to flood events including conducting field and technical activities (e.g., documentation of the flood, providing technical guidance and support) in response to significant floods in Colorado.
  • Provide technical services to support recovery from and mitigation to flood and flood hazards.
  • Participate in partnering with federal, state, and local entities for the management, marketing, and administration of flood and flood related programs.
  • Participate with partners to plan and undertake multi-objective projects designed to reduce flood hazards, stabilize and restore stream channels, provide habitat, reduce erosion, and increase the capacity to utilize water.
  • Administer the Watershed Protection Fund and the projects approved by the Board and the Colorado Water Quality Control Division.
  • Serve as the regulatory and permitting agency for weather modification activities in Colorado for commercial projects.