Harmonisation and standardisation:
Virology task groups



Several databases have been implemented by EISS to assist the CNRL members in their daily work by rapid sharing of information.

Reagents database

This database is an inventory of all materials used by the CNRL for the routine surveillance of influenza virus and RSV infections and for the specialised analysis of emerging virus variants or potentially pandemic viruses. The database contains a description of the materials, their origin, where they can be obtained and cost if applicable.

Sequence database

This database, which is a private EISS compartment at the Influenza Sequence Database in Los Alamos, USA, contains sequences of influenza viruses, primers, probes, and control plasmids. The database has extensive analysis facilities and options for sharing of sequences with colleagues in the CNRL, other groups or with the public.

Who-is-who and resources list

This database contains information on persons, institutions, characteristics of the national clinical surveillance networks, laboratory methods and materials used by the individual laboratories and available facilities in the CNRL. The database gives rapid access to qualified persons for specific needs. For example, when new viruses have been signaled and in the case of an emerging pandemic.

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