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Agricultural Research Service United States Department of Agriculture
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Research Project: New Approaches for Insect Pest Management in Vegetable Crops

Location: Charleston, South Carolina

Project Number: 6659-22000-018-00
Project Type: Appropriated

Start Date: Aug 10, 2005
End Date: Aug 09, 2010

Specific objectives are to a) Identify and characterize host plant resistance to sweetpotato whitefly in melons and to the soil insect complex in sweetpotato, and facilitate incorporation of resistance factors into advanced breeding lines and new vegetable cultivars; b) assess the importance of biological control agents of sweetpotato whitefly and of insect pests of sweetpotato and cucurbits, and develop techniques for their conservation and utilization as management tools in vegetable production systems; and c) develop cost effective, biologically-based technologies for use in integrated pest management (IPM) programs for sweetpotato, cucurbits, and other vegetable crops.

Identify sources of resistance and determine heritability of resistance against sweetpotato whiteflies in melon and watermelon, and against soil insect pests of sweetpotatoes; facilitate incorporation of resistance into advanced sweetpotato breeding lines and new cultivars; determine chemical and physical mechanisms of resistance in sweetpotato to soil insect pests; investigate the influence of leguminous host plants on parasitoids of whiteflies; survey predators in South Carolina for biological control agents for whiteflies; determine overwintering ability of whitefly predator Delphastus catalinae; establish food preferences of predator Engytatus modestus; assess the use of baculoviruses for control of pickleworms, melonworms, and soil pests of sweetpotatoes; develop trapping methods for pickleworm moths, melonworm moths, sweetpotato weevils, Diabrotica spp., and whiteflies using pheromones and kairomones; evaluate alternative cropping systems for sweetpotatoes and other vegetables; and evaluate LED-modified traps for whitefly control.


Project Team
Jackson, David - Mike
Simmons, Alvin
Project Annual Reports
  FY 2008
  FY 2007
  FY 2006
Related National Programs
  Crop Protection & Quarantine (304)
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   Physical Mapping & Eco-Tilling for Highthroughput Allele Mining of Disease Resistance and Nutraceutical Genes for Pyramiding in Sweetpotato
   Survey of Emerging Biotype B and Q Bemisia Tabaci-Transmitted Viruses on Vegetable Crops and Alternative Whitefly Management Strategies
Last Modified: 01/14/2009
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