Tuition & Fee Policy, Tuition & Fee Rates, and Tuition Refund Policy

(Effective Spring Semester 2002)

Tuition and Fee Policy

All SCTC students will be charged tuition and fees for each semester or term at a rate determined by the Board of Regents. Tuition and fees must be paid in full at the time of registration, except that a deferred tuition payment schedule may be arranged with the college administration when financial aid is pending or in other special circumstances. In the case of deferred tuition arrangements, tuition payments must be made according to the arranged schedule, or the student will be withdrawn from class for which he or she is registered and must pay the delinquent amount in full prior to any future registration.

Tuition and Fee Rates (top)

Tuition rate per credit hour Registration fee Technology fee Student activity fee Service fee Transcript fee (for same day only) Note: A student taking three credits or less is subject only to tuition and registration fees.

Tuition Refund Policy (top)

In the event that a student who has paid tuition withdraws from classes during or after the registration period, the following refund of tuition schedule shall be applied:

  • 100 per cent refund prior to the beginning of classes
  • 80 per cent refund during the first week of classes
  • 60 per cent refund during the second, third, and fourth week of classes

No refund after the fourth week of classes

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