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Photo: Egg producing chickens

Georgia Agricultural Resources: Commodity Facts


Egg production in Georgia is a streamlined, around-the-clock business geared to keep a steady supply of fresh eggs going to market. Regardless of the weather, the "Good Egg From Georgia" is always in season.

Eggs are one of nature's most perfectly balanced and nutrient-dense foods. Each egg contains a percentage of 13 vitamins, including A, D, E, K and B-complex, and minerals like iron that are all essential for good health.

Today's egg contains only a moderate amount of fat, with about 5 grams in a large egg yolk (1.5 grams saturated) and about 213 mg of cholesterol. For people with normal cholesterol levels, recent research notes that eating an egg a day will not increase blood cholesterol levels.

Eggs don't just come in the shell. Eggs can be frozen, and dried or refrigerated as liquid egg products. In addition, extracted compounds are used in medicine and medical technology, cosmetics and other non-food products and pharmaceuticals.

To celebrate the economic importance, versatility and nutritional value of Georgia's Good Egg, May is observed as Egg Month. For more than 25 years, Georgia governors have honored the state's egg producers this way. Now they are joining other groups throughout the United States in this annual recognition.

Georgia's egg industry is represented by the Georgia Egg Commission and Georgia Egg Association with offices just south of Atlanta, off Interstate 75 at the Atlanta State Farmers' Market in Forest Park. The commission was begun on July 1, 1961, through a legislative act initiated by Georgia's egg producers that mandated funding be derived from a producer-paid assessment for promotion, education and research.


More Information

  • The Georgia Egg Commission invites your inquiries.
    For more industry facts, nutritional information, recipes and
    a complimentary "I'm A Good Egg From Georgia" gift, contact:
    Georgia Egg Commission
    Atlanta State Farmers' Market, 16 Forest Parkway, Forest Park, GA 30297
    Phone: 404/363-7664
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University of Georgia (UGA) College of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences (CAES)