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USGS/Cascades Volcano Observatory, Vancouver, Washington

USGS/WRD Monitoring Station

Wells at Castle Lake Blockage

Station Information

Latitude (degrees, minutes, and seconds) ......  461540  
Longitude (degrees, minutes, and seconds) .....  1221636
State Code ....................................  053
County Code ...................................  015
County Name ...................................  Cowlitz

Location Map

Map, Location of Castle Lake Piezometers, click to enlarge

1998 Location Map, Castle Lake Piezometers
-- Modified from: Roeloffs, 1994, USGS WRI-94-4075

Information Table

Wells at Castle Lake Blockage

Site Drilled in Land elevation (feet) Total depth (feet) Open interval (feet) Completed in Remarks
I1 1983 2,656 83 2,573 1980 Debris Inclinometer measurements have been made.
I2 1983 2,655 86 2,569 1980 Debris Inclinometer measurements have been made.
I3 1983 2,653 97 2,556 1980 Debris Inclinometer measurements have been made.
I4 1983 2,661 62 2,599 Pre-1980 Inclinometer measurements have been made.
P1 1983 2,655 190 2,465 1980 Debris  
P2A 1983 2,628 51 2,577 1980 Debris  
P2B 1983 2,629 45 2,584 1980 Debris  
P3A 1983 2,629 50 2,579 1980 Debris  
P3B 1983 2,628 93 2,535 Pre-1980  
P4A 1983 2,585 76 2,508 1980 Debris  
P4B 1983 2,584 24 2,560 1980 Debris  
DH1 1990 2,600 115 2,485-2,490 1980 Debris  
DH2A 1990 2,573 85 2,489-2,494 1980 Debris(?)  
DH2B 1990 2,575 57 2,518-2,523 1980 Debris  
DH3 1990 2,629 74 2,555-2,560 1980 Debris  
DH4A 1990 2,503 123 2,381-2,384 Pre-1980  
DH4B 1990 2,503 85 2,419-2,424 1980 Debris  
DH4C 1990 2,503 40 2,463-2,468 1980 Debris  
DH4D 1990 2,503 7 2,495-2,501 1980 Debris  
DH5A 1990 2,569 82 2,504-2,509 Bedrock at 67.9 feet In USACE publications, site DH5A referred to as DH6AZ
DH5B 1990 2,569 23 2,547-2,552 1980 Debris In USACE publications, site DH5B referred to as DH6BZ
DH6 1990 2,572 21 2,552-2,557 Bedrock at 8.1 feet In USACE publications, site DH6 referred to as DH5AZ
Topinka, USGS/CVO, 1998, Modified from: Roeloffs, 1994, USGS Water-Resources Investigations Report 94-4075

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05/02/08, Lyn Topinka