Directories & contact info
These UAF directories will help you find individuals, e-mail or postal addresses, phone numbers, building and department locations.
Contact information
Looking for our address or phone number? Or, do you want to ask a question via e-mail? This is where you want to go.Contact a Student Ambassador
If you're thinking of applying for admission to UAF, you might want to chat with a student who knows the ropes.UAF Directory
All searchable directories are conveniently located in one spot.WebMail
UAF students, faculty and staff can check their e-mail away from campus using this web-based feature.
Use these maps and/or tour guides to help you find your way around the Fairbanks campus and vicinity.
Fairbanks Campus Map
Find your way to a location on the Fairbanks campus.Fairbanks & Vicinity Map
Get the bigger picture. Find out how UAF fits into the Fairbanks community.UAF Skarland Trail System
Find a trail to hike, ski or ride and explore the trails around campus.
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Information about the most common difficulties with this site and how to address them.
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These specialized searches will help you find specific types of information.
Distance Education CourseFinder
Search for a Distance Education course.Summer Sessions CourseFinder
Search for a Summer Sessions course.UAF CourseFinder
Search the UAF Class Schedule.