USA Freedom Corps Volunteer Network - Find Opportunities Now
Issue 185 - Week of November 10, 2008

David Eisner, CEO of the Corporation for National and Community Service to Step Down

This month will mark the end of David Eisner's term as CEO of the Corporation for National and Community Service. He steps down after five years of leading the agency that administers AmeriCorps, VISTA, NCCC, Senior Corps, and Learn and Serve America. Eisner focused his efforts on strengthening the organization's accountability, improving customer service, and increasing public trust.

USA Freedom Corps wishes David Eisner all the best in his future endeavors and remains grateful for the positive contributions he made to National Service.

Departing National Service CEO Sees Unprecedented Need and Opportunity for Service and Volunteering
From Dropouts to Downturns: Why Service is America's Solution - Remarks of David Eisner

Student Service on the Rise,
but Less Connected to Learning

On November 12, 2008, The Corporation for National and Community Service released a new report showing that community service in America's schools has reached a new peak, with 68 percent of all K-12 schools offering or recognizing service opportunities for their students.

The report, Community Service and Service-Learning in America's Schools 2008, found that the prevalence of community service has risen in K-12 schools, up from 64 percent from a similar study conducted in 1999. High schools are especially supportive of community service, with a whopping 86 percent of high schools recognizing student service, up from 83 percent in 1999.

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Read the report (PDF)

Download the USA Freedom Corps Report, "Answering the Call to Service"

On September 8th, USA Freedom Corps issued a report, "Answering the Call to Service," which details the work of the initiative to help improve communities and change lives over nearly seven years under the President's leadership. The report details the response from the millions of individuals who have answered the President's Call to Service and used their power and energy to affect communities across America.

Read the report (PDF)

Help the Survivors of the Gulf Coast Hurricanes

Americans can learn more about volunteer opportunities in their community or hurricane-related opportunities in the Gulf Coast by visiting the USA Freedom Corps website or calling 1-877-USA-CORPS.

President Bush Recognizes Staten Island Man for Dedication to Volunteer Service

President George W. Bush presented the President's Volunteer Service Award to Peter Cea during his visit aboard the Intrepid Sea, Air & Space Museum in New York City, on Tuesday, November 11, 2008. Cea is a volunteer with the Intrepid Sea, Air & Space Museum.
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In Other News

National Service Agency Announces Grants To Improve the Lives of Young People Nationwide

Peace Corps Announces Top Volunteer-Producing States

St. Bernard Project Named Top Ten CNN Hero