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Los Escarabajos del Pepino: Manejo Integrado de Plagas — MIP Orgánico y Bioracional

Cucumber beetles are present throughout the U.S. and are one of the most serious pests on cucurbits in many areas. The overwintering adult insect causes feeding damage on young, emerging plants; larvae maturing in the soil feed on plant roots; and the adults that arise from these larvae feed on plant leaves, blossoms, and fruit. Organic control measures include delayed planting and use of trap crops, parasitic organisms, and botanical pesticides. Pesticide applications should be based on monitoring and conducted during daytime hours on dry days when these insects are most active. This Spanish-language version of our Cucumber Beetles: Organic and Biorational IPM publication includes lists of further resources, Web sites and suppliers of crop protection materials.
[PDF / 652K] *en español

Posted: January 11, 2006


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