Thursday, April 19th, 2001

Applicator Credits Available at Spurgefest
By Steve Merritt for the MSU News Service

Contact: Steve Merritt (406-433-9440;

SIDNEY, Montana – TEAM Leafy Spurge has announced that officials in Montana, Wyoming and North Dakota have approved chemical applicator certification/re-certification credits for license-holders who attend Spurgefest II, scheduled for June 19-21, 2001, in Medora, N.D.

"We're pleased that licensing authorities in the three states are recognizing Spurgefest II for its informational and educational value," said Chad Prosser, TEAM Leafy Spurge coordinator. "It shows that the agricultural community really values this type of event."

The three-day event will feature a symposium, tours of TLS research and demonstration sites, hands-on flea beetle collecting, a flea beetle distribution and more.

"If you’re interested in controlling leafy spurge, it’s an event you won’t want to miss," Prosser said. "People who attend will leave with a lot of new information, and some flea beetles as well."

Following are details on applicator credits for the three states:

Montana – The Montana Department of Agriculture has approved applicator credits for private, commercial and government applicators who attend the event.

Private applicators will receive three (3) certification/re-certification credits for attending the June 19 symposium and two (2) certification/re-certification credits for attending the June 20 field tour. Private applicators must sign in each day of the event to receive full credit.

Commercial & governmental applicators with licenses in Agricultural Plant Pest, Right-of-Way, Governmental/Regulatory Weed, Demonstration & Research, and Dealer will receive six (6) certification/re-certification credits for attending both the June 19 symposium and June 20 field tour. Commercial & governmental applicators must sign in for both days of the event to receive full credit.

Wyoming – The Wyoming Department of Agriculture will allow four (4) hours of re-certification credits to holders of valid Ag Weed Control or Right-of-Way Pest Control license holders for attending the June 19 symposium and June 20 field tour. Applicators must sign in both days (name, license account number and expiration date) to receive full credit.

North Dakota – The North Dakota Cooperative Extension Service will recognize attendance of the entire event for certification/re-certification in the Right-of-Way category. Interested individuals must sign-in for all three days of the event, then submit copies of their receipt for Spurgefest II, current certification card, photo identification and financial responsibility documents (if applicable) along with a $53 re-certification fee to Andrew Thostensen, Pesticide Program Specialist, NDSU Extension Service, 166 Loftsgard Hall/PO Box 5051, Fargo ND 58105-5051.

Society of Range Management – The Society for Range Management will recognize attendance of the event for certified professionals in range management seeking continuing education units (CEUs). SRM will award eight (8) CEUs for attending the June 19 symposium, two (2) CEUs for attending the June 20 field tours, and one (1) CEU for attending the June 21 flea beetle collection/redistribution demonstration. Interested individuals must sign for each day of the event attended to receive full credit.

Spurgefest II is production of TEAM Leafy Spurge, an integrated pest management program funded and led by the USDA-ARS in partnership with the USDA-Animal & Plant Health Inspection Service. It’s goal is providing ranchers, landowners and land managers with effective, affordable and sustainable leafy spurge control management strategies. The schedule of events includes:

Additional information about the event can be found on the TEAM Leafy Spurge website at An electronic registration form is available at Mail-in registration forms are available by calling Theodore Roosevelt National Park at 701/623-4466, by writing to Spurgefest II, Box 7, Medora ND 58645 or by sending a request to

For additional information on TEAM Leafy Spurge, Spurgefest II or applicator certification/re-certification credits, contact TEAM Leafy Spurge program manager Chad Prosser at 406/433-9403 (

TEAM Press Releases