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New Risk Management Agency Pasture and Forage Insurance Program Piloted in New York State

Last Updated: September 23, 2008 Related resource areas: Dairy

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The Pasture, Rangeland, Forage is an insurance program for farmers who want to manage the risk of weather fluctuations on their pastures and forage fields.

Released September 17, 2008

ITHICA, N.Y. – Fay Benson at Cornell University's Small Farms Program is working with the USDA Risk Management Agency to get the word out about a new insurance program for pasture and forages, which is being piloted in the Southern Tier region and in Cortland County, NY.

The Pasture, Rangeland, Forage (PRF) is an insurance program for farmers who want to manage the risk of weather fluctuations on their pastures and forage fields. The program began last year in parts of the country including Pennsylvania. This year the RMA is including the NY Southern Tier and Cortland County. If farmers find it useful it will be offered across the United States.

The deadline for signing up is November 30, 2008. There will be meetings held in the included counties this fall. For more information contact Fay Benson at 607-753-5213 or For a complete description of the program visit


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