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Halal Eating and Drinking

Halal Food

Muslims follow a set of dietary laws which are outlined in the Qur'an. Everything is permitted (halal), except what God specifically prohibited (haram). Within these rules, there is wide variation among the eating habits of Muslims around the world.

Following a Halal Diet

Huda's Islam Blog

Embracing Islam

Friday January 16, 2009
When a person makes the decision to embrace Islam as a faith and way of life, it is a life-changing event. The initial period as a new Muslim can exciting, a bit scary, and profoundly uplifting. It is important to prepare one's self for the challenges, and find support for the many questions one faces.

Gaza: 5 Things You Can Do Now

Thursday January 8, 2009
1. Make du'a for the innocent victims of this ongoing conflict. Islam teaches that God listens to the cries of those who call on Him.

2. Respond to the emergency appeals of humanitarian aid workers in the region. Many Islamic charitable organizations have permanent programs in Gaza, and are among those currently on the ground trying to get aid through.

3. Learn about the background and proposed solutions of this conflict. An excellent place to start is the Middle East Issues site.

4. Familiarize yourself with the laws of Islam with regard to armed conflict. Muslims are to follow Islamic standards which are in line with international humanitarian law, regardless of the actions of one's opponent.

5. Join us in the Islam Forum to discuss your views on the conflict. Do you think Israel is justified in its actions? Do you want foreign news media to be allowed in to cover the story? Discuss these issues and more.

Day of 'Ashura

Thursday January 1, 2009
While people around the world ring in 2009 with celebrations, Shi'a Muslims are observing several days of mourning leading up to the Day of 'Ashura. The New York Times reports that in Iraq, New Year's Eve parties were cancelled by order of the government out of respect for the observance. Why do Shi'a Muslims mourn at this time?

Gaza Crisis

Monday December 29, 2008
It is difficult to see the ongoing crisis in Palestine escalate into yet another bloodbath. One feels powerless to do anything, and anger for those who have the power to stop bloodshed but choose to do nothing.

At such times, we must remember the words of the Prophet Muhammad: "When any of you sees an evil act, let him change it with his hand. If he is not able to do so, then let him change it with his tongue. And if he is not able to do so, then let him condemn it in his heart, although that is the weakest of faith."

May we all try, in our own way, to bring about an end to the fighting and establish peace for the people who are suffering.

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