Department of the Interior

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For Immediate Release:
January 4, 2006
Hugh Vickery, DOI (202) 501-4633
David Patte, FWS (503) 231-6211
Mike Journee,
Idaho Governor's Office, 208-334-2100

Norton, Kempthorne to Sign Agreement on Gray Wolf Management in Idaho

(BOISE, Idaho) -- Interior Secretary Gale Norton and Idaho Governor Dirk Kempthorne will sign a Memorandum of Agreement Thursday at a press conference considerably expanding the state's role in managing gray wolves in Idaho. Reporters may attend the event in Governor Kempthorne's office or dial into the press conference through a teleconference line.

Who: Secretary of the Interior Gale Norton
Idaho Governor Dirk Kempthorne
What: Signing of a Memorandum of Agreement on wolf management in Idaho
When: Thursday, January 5, 11:25 a.m. MST
Where: Office of Idaho Governor Dirk Kempthorne, Idaho State Capitol, 700 W. Jefferson, Boise, Idaho
Teleconference Information: Reporters may dial in to 1-877-826-8983. The participants code is 106650.