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Technical Service Center

Estimating, Specifications, and Construction Management Group

Bob Baumgarten, Estimating, Specifications, Value Program, and Construction Management (rbaumgarten@do.usbr.gov)

Bureau of Reclamation P.O. Box 25007, 86-68170
Denver, CO 80225


Dan Maag, P.E. (dmaag@do.usbr.gov) Civil Engineer / Senior Cost Estimator
Dan Donaldson, P.E. (ddonaldson@do.usbr.gov) Civil Engineer / Senior Cost Estimator

Civil/mechanical/electrical estimators, all of whom are engineers, and most of whom are registered professional engineers, provide estimating expertise to virtually all types of construction projects throughout the United States.  We can develop and recommend policy on all phases of estimating construction costs and services.

We can meet the needs of Federal Acquisition Regulation (FAR) requirements concerning Independent Government Cost Estimates (IGCE), and can prepare all levels of estimates to meet clients' needs.  As a sampling of our capabilities to meet our clients' needs, we provide turn-key typical heavy/civil construction type cost estimates, specialized mechanical and/or electrical cost estimates, and hazardous waste assessment/cleanup/restoration type cost estimates.  Cost estimates are provided for both new construction and renovation or modification type work.

The group tracks construction cost trends, which provide a rapid means of determining the current cost of construction of various properties based on former estimates.  Construction cost trends are available from 1984 to present.

We can prepare the following levels of estimates:


Greg Gulsvig, P.E. (ggulsvig@do.usbr.gov) Civil Engineer

Engineers specializing in specifications preparation prepare written specifications.  Specifications are usually prepared in CSI format using MS Word®, but other specification formats or word processing formats are available on request.

We provide specifications-writing expertise for civil and architectural construction.  We also provide specifications-coordination expertise for combining civil, architectural, geotechnical, mechanical, and electrical specifications, including hazardous waste remediation specifications.

We can furnish complete, coordinated specifications for an entire project; or we can furnish selected specification sections.

Value Engineering/Value Analysis (VE/VA) Program

Betty Chavira 303-445-3078 or Tom Cook 303-445-3292

We use the value method and multidiscipline teams to conduct value studies of programs, projects, systems, products, equipment, buildings, facilities, services, or supplies; to improve performance, reliability, quality, and safety; and to reduce life-cycle costs.

Whatever the issue, the Value Method provides a reliable, structured approach to improved programs, projects, and activities. Using the Value Method, Reclamation has saved over $100 million and made numerous other nonmonetary improvements since 1999.  To find out more about the Value Program and how it can provide immediate benefits to your office you may access Reclamation's Value Program web site.

The Value staff in Denver performs two roles in providing overall program guidance and study assistance. These roles are Value Program Management and the Policy, Management, and Technical Services (PMTS) Value Program coordination and value study facilitation services.

The Value Program Management role assists Reclamation offices to comply with Federal laws and regulations that require Reclamation to operate and maintain aggressive value programs. Also, Value Program Management provides assistance to prepare and consolidate annual program reports, identify, conduct, or acquire training, and perform or acquire resources to perform value studies. Also, the office provides advice on value study waivers.

The PMTS Value Program’s primary role is to facilitate value studies and publish a report of the study results. We can lead value studies in any form to meet clients' needs. The Technical Service Center has experienced staff in design and construction for both new and O&M work related to water management. This staff is available as Value Study team members.

Construction Management

Carlton Smith, P.E. (csmith@do.usbr.gov) CE/ Construction Manager
Dave Paul, P.E. (dpaul@do.usbr.gov) CE/ Construction Manager
Nancy Lender, P.E. (nlender@do.usbr.gov) CE/Project Manager

This group has highly qualified and motivated personnel who provide a full range of construction management services from project conception through design and construction to completion. Group personnel include Professional Engineers, Civil Engineers, Project Schedulers, and Contract Administrators. Experience ranges from a minimum of 10 years up to 38 years.

Roosevelt dam being constructed

Our construction managers have extensive field experience in constructing small individual contracts through large multi-purpose projects, including concrete and embankment dams, diversion dams, hydroelectric powerplants, pumping plants, office buildings, visitor facilities, educational facilities, maintenance shops, irrigation distribution systems, pipelines, tunnels, canals, wetlands, recreation distribution systems, pipelines, tunnels, canals, wetlands, recreation areas, fish passage structures, and environmental restoration. We provide a full range of construction management services for Reclamation and international customers. our services span from project conception through construction completion including constructability, specifications, and contract document reviews; facilities needs and damage assessments; oversight/review of construction activities; and construction inspection and quality assurance. We also act as a liaison between construction and design personnel, are problem solvers/troubleshooters, and provide training on construction quality control and contract administration procedures.

Our project schedulers have considerable experience and education in developing detailed project and construction schedules using state-of-the-art computer software. We have the capability and the tools to prepare detailed design and construction logic diagrams, review contractors' baseline schedules and updates, prepare construction as-built schedules, and perform detailed schedule analysis to determine responsibility of delays and impacts.

Our claims analysts have broad experience in analyzing and resolving contract disputes and claims. We can assist in successful claims resolution, contract changes and modifications, and analyze contract disputes (including differing site conditions, delays and disruptions, defective specifications, and loss of efficiency).

Our project managers are accomplished in the day-to-day management of small and large multi-purpose design and construction projects. We are professionally trained and have demonstrated knowledge in the TSC Project Management / Earned Value Management Processes. Our project administrators are knowledgeable and experienced in performing specifications and contract document reviews, preparing / coordinating contract correspondence, and reviewing contractor's submittals.