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Technical Service Center

Plant Structures Group (86-68120)

Dick LaFond, Group Manager (rlafond@do.usbr.gov), (303) 445-3226
Mike O'Shea, Technical Specialist (moshea@do.usbr.gov), (303) 445-3272
Bureau of Reclamation, Bldg 67 (86-68120), Denver Federal Center, Denver Colorado 80225-0007

The Plant Structures Group is composed of civil, structural, and environmental engineers, architects, landscape architects, and civil engineering technicians. Our expertise and background include project management, coordinating and preparing planning studies, structural analysis and design, architectural and landscape design, analysis and design of water and wastewater treatment systems, and construction support services.

Our staff provides a wide array of services including:

  • Project management and planning – appraisal, feasibility, and final design.
  • Building and site layouts and design. Expertise includes powerplants, pumping plants, water and wastewater treatment facilities, visitor centers, and office buildings.
  • Analysis and design of reinforced concrete, precast/prestressed concrete, masonry, structural steel, miscellaneous metalwork, and timber structures.
  • Analysis and design of conventional and advanced water, wastewater and hazardous waste treatment systems, including membrane purification and concentrate management applications.
  • Analysis, design, and testing of pilot and demonstration-scale water treatment plants.
  • Conservation, and water reuse and recycling program planning.
  • Rural water planning and planning designs for municipal, rural, and industrial (MR& I) systems.
  • Civil and structural design of switchyards and substations.
  • Recreation site development.
  • Wetlands site landscape design.
  • Structural evaluation of existing facilities.
  • Evaluation, design, and retrofit of water treatment systems for compliance with Safe Drinking Water Act (SDWA) and Clean Water Act (CWA).
  • Evaluation, design, and retrofit of buildings and recreation facilities for accessibility compliance in accordance with guidelines established by the Architectural Barriers Act (ABA) and Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA).
  • Evaluation, design, and retrofit of buildings for life safety compliance in accordance with the National Fire Protection Code (NFPA 101 – Life Safety Code).
  • Technical assistance for contract development and administration, including statements of work, evaluation of proposals, and oversight as Contracting Officer’s Technical Representative (COTR)

See the Recreation Facility Design Guidelines