Welcome to the WMO homepage
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World Meteorological Day 2009

photo23 March 2009

Weather, climate and the air we breathe



globeNews relating to weather, climate and water


World Climate Conference-3

girl Climate prediction and information for

Geneva, 31 August– 4 September 2009

Better climate information for a better future

WCC-3 news

Weather forecasts and warnings

heavy weatherWeather and climate
Tropical cyclones and    severe weather
User guide [pdf]
Safety at sea
Weather research


WMO and food security

women carry foodWMO Members provide accurate weather and climate information to assist the agricultural community in producing a sustainable and secure food supply

National Meteorological Services

map Links to National Meteorological and Hydrometeorological Services



WMO and climate change
IPCC Fourth Assessment Report:
  Climate Change 2007
Climate research
Climate products

WMO science

WMO's role
Recent products
of interest to policy-
  makers, scientists, researchers, students,   journalists and the public


International Polar Year 2007-2008

iglooA large scientific programme focused on the polar regions


damageWMO's newsletter:
news of activities and events, and feature articles




© World Meteorological Organization, 7bis, avenue de la Paix, Case postale 2300, CH-1211 Geneva 2, Switzerland
Tel.: + 41(0) 22 730 81 11 / Fax: + 41(0) 22 730 81 81 -                                                         Copyright | Privacy policy | Disclaimer | Guidelines |