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Hunter Receives HHS Award

Dave Hunter (second from l), a program manager with CIT's Division of Customer Support, recently received a 2004 HHS Secretary's Award for Distinguished Service. The award recognized Hunter's leadership of the NIH Information Systems Designated Procurement Program (iSDP). iSDP is intended to save time and money by eliminating the need to search for the best information systems deals. It acquires and delivers brand-name software, hardware and services to HHS personnel. Hunter is credited with the success of iSDP, which has grown from 28,000 desktops in fiscal year 1999 to more than 60,000 desktops across HHS in FY 2004. The program takes advantage of large volume purchasing agreements to provide significantly discounted prices to its customers. The award citation also notes that Hunter negotiated sizable savings from more than 40 information technology manufacturers and service providers, including Adobe Systems, Microsoft, T-Mobile and AT&T Wireless. In addition, the HHS Office of the Secretary recently transitioned management of department-wide Oracle and SAS agreements to iSDP. Shown presenting the award to Hunter are (from l) HHS Deputy Secretary Claude A. Allen, HHS Secretary Tommy G. Thompson and NIH director Dr. Elias Zerhouni.

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