Diversity of Accomplishments
- decoded three DNA chromosomes (5, 16, and 19) [Human Genome]
- established an international computer communication in 1970 [AEC Experiment]
- formulated the process for adenosine triphosphate (ATP) [Boyer]
- confirmed the third branch of life [Archaea]
- uncovered the secrets powering the stars [Bethe]
- contributed to nuclear medicine, including radiation and cancer therapy [Cancer Therapy]
- contributed to the science that won the 2007 Nobel Peace Prize [Climate Change]
- created a pre-Pong video game (Tennis for Two) [Video game]
- created the first self-sustaining nuclear chain reaction [Fermi]
- first detected solar neutrinos [Davis]
- first detected the neutrino [Reines]
- first observed the top quark [Top Quark]
- identified the muon neutrino [Lederman, Steinberger]
- identified peaceful uses of nuclear energy [Seaborg]
- identified peaceful uses of fusion [Teller]
- wrote the seminal paper Synthesis of the Elements in the Stars [Fowler]
- over eight of the elements on the Periodic Table [Seaborg]
- the first binary pulsar [Hulse]
- the Lamb Shift phenomenon [Lamb]
- the K-meson [Lederman]
- the tau lepton [Perl]
- asymptotic freedom in the theory of strong interaction [Politzer, Wilczek]
- the molecule named Buckminsterfullerene (Buckyball) [Smalley]
- blackbody form and anisotropy of the cosmic microwave background radiation [Smoot]
- the cyclotron (an early accelerator) [Lawrence]
- the calutron (an isotope separator) [Lawrence]
- the bubble chamber [Glaser]
- the battery that powered the lunar lander module and other spacecraft [RTG]
- the Eightfold Way, a theory of Strong Interaction Symmetry [Gell-Mann]
- the 'electroweak' theory [Glashow]
- the nuclear shell model [Goeppert-Mayer]
- the neutron diffraction technique [Shull]
- Ultra Violet Waterworks (UVW)
- an anti-jet-lag diet [Snapshots]
- evidence as to why dinosaurs are extinct [Alvarez]
- the concept of the Cooper pairs [Cooper]
- the Bloch Equations [Bloch]
- the Feynman Diagrams [Feynman]
- an explanation of how DNA's genetic blueprint is read and used [Kornberg]