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For More Information...

" " USDA Rural Development Home Page. Information on the Rural Development mission area of USDA.

" " USDA Home Page. Information on the United States Department of Agriculture.

" " USDA Civil Rights Home Page. Information on Civil Rights within USDA.

" " USDA Rural Information Center.  Information on funding sources for downtown revitalization, rural housing, small business and more.

" " Natural Resources Conservation Service. A USDA Federal Agency that works to conserve and sustain our natural resources.

" " Natural Resources Conservation Service Wyoming Home Page. The Wyoming Home Page for the agency working to conserve natural resources.

" " Farm Service Agency. A USDA Federal Agency which provides services and information to agricultural America.


Additional information and resources may be found in the sites listed below. You may contact the entity using the listed address, phone number or hyperlink address or you can give us a call for more information on these programs. However, we are not responsible for the accuracy of the content of non-Rural Development sites nor should links to these sites be construed as our endorsement of the views contained therein.

" " Small Business Administration

" " Wyoming Business Council Formed to facilitate Wyoming's economic growth.

" " Wyoming Rural Development Council  WRDC is a collaborative partnership. The Council serves as a forum to address a full range of issues, opportunities and potential solutions in the rural communities of Wyoming.

" " WIDC Frontier Certified Development Company WIDC/Frontier CDC is a statewide funding source for Wyoming small business, working in partnership with their local lending institutions.

" " HUD Home Page Housing and Urban Development.

" " EZ/EC Community Toolbox Community Development Resources, Successful Practices, Working With Rural Development Councils.

" " Federal Jobs Information (OPM) Provides information on all federal job listings. For information on Wyoming Rural Development jobs, contact  Cheryl Pesicka, Wyoming Human Resources Manager.

" " State of Wyoming Home Page Interesting, informative and scenic official Wyoming state home page.

" " University of Wyoming Home Page Informative home page which also contains several links to other web sites.

" " Wyoming Jobs Home Page Information on jobs in Wyoming and links to other related sites.

" " State of Wyoming Business and Industry Home Page

" " Wyoming Community Development Authority Secondary funding source for single and multi-family housing, administers HOME funds and Tax Credits. P.O. Box 634, Casper, WY 82601; Phone: 307-265-0603.

" " Wyoming Small Business Development Centers Provide technical assistance to small business (i.e. business plans, feasibility studies, financial reporting, training, etc.)

" " Wyoming Water Development Commission State of Wyoming funding source for water projects. Reviews water project requests, including domestic and irrigation, and funding of projects. Water Development Office, 4 West, 122 W. 25th Street, Cheyenne, WY 82002; Phone: 307-777-7626, e-mail:

" " Office of State Lands and Investments Review and award funds for water, sewer, streets, and community facility type loans and grants. Actual funding dependent on the Wyoming Legislature. Office of State Lands and Investments, 122 W. 25th St., Herschler Building, Cheyenne, WY 82002-0600; Phone: 307-777-7309.

" " Wyoming Association of Rural Water Systems Provides technical assistance to small communities and water districts (i.e., forming districts, water and sewer leak detections, training of operators, etc.). P.O. Box 1750, Glenrock, WY 82637; Phone: 307-436-8636, e-mail: warws@wyoming,com.

" " Midwest Assistance Program Provides technical assistance and training to small communities and rural water and sewer districts. P.O. Box 689, Laramie, WY 82070, Phone: 307-742-2236, e-mail:; P.O. Box 688, Green River, WY 82935, Phone: 307-875-4200, e-mail:; P.O. Box 4097, Sheridan, WY 82801, Phone: 307-673-4950, e-mail:

" " Mid-America Manufacturing Technology Center Primary focus is to assist with strategic planning and marketing to businesses. Phone: 1-800-343-1423 or 307-766-4811.

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