Bureau of Transportation Statistics (BTS)
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Table 1 - Airline Employees by Business Model and Size Classification: 2004

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Carrier All employees Full-time employees Business model classification Size classification
American Airlines 82,222 71,232 Network Major
United 61,092 54,460 Network Major
Delta 59,972 53,394 Network Major
Northwest 39,784 37,572 Network Major
Continental 35,395 28,227 Network Major
US Airways 26,169 23,180 Network Major
Alaska Airline 9,857 8,747 Network Major
Southwest 31,274 30,749 Low cost Major
America West 12,654 10,129 Low cost Major
JetBlue 7,399 5,956 Low cost National
AirTran 6,072 5,754 Low cost National
ATA 6,268 5,625 Low cost Major
Frontier 4,492 3,620 Low cost National
Independence 4,301 4,014 Low cost National
Spirit 2,627 2,339 Low cost National

Source: U.S. Department of Transportation, Research and Innovative Technology Administration, Bureau of Transportation Statistics, Certified Carriers (Full-time and Part-time), available at www.bts.gov/programs/airline_information/number_of_employees.