Electronic Newsletter
Congressman John Shimkus
Friday, March 3, 2006

Youthbuild Funding

I was happy to be able to present a check for $400,000 to Clete Winklemann of the United Methodist Children’s Home as Circuit Judge George Timberlake, left, looks on. This was a HUD Youthbuild grant, which was presented on Wednesday, February 22, on the Home’s campus in Mt. Vernon. The grant will provide GED education and construction skills training to high school dropouts. A large number of community organizations and local government bodies will join the Home in making this a successful program.

Constituent Corner

· Women’s History Month

I would like everyone to join me in celebrating Women’s History Month.

When celebrating history, we hear many great names of pioneers like Rosa Parks, Susan B. Anthony, and many others. While we remember the historic things that these great women have done for our nation and the world, I ask that we remember the “everyday women” who are the history makers of the future.

We must remember the businesswomen, Congresswomen, scientists, teachers, caregivers, mothers, wives, and daughters. I would specifically like to thank my mother, my wife, and the many women on my staff who help me in my everyday life and everyday work. With the support of the many women in my life, I am able to be a father, husband, and Congressman for the 19th District of Illinois.

Please, take time this month to thank the women in your lives. For more information on Women’s History Month, visit www.nwhp.org.

· American Red Cross Month

The month of March is also American Red Cross Month. This charitable organization is one of our nation’s oldest and most recognized names in community services.

The American Red Cross was founded in 1881 by Clara Barton and chartered by Congress in 1905 to provide aid in times of need. They have been integral in responding to disasters such as the terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001 and the recent Hurricanes that swept the Gulf Coast.

These are what we remember this organization for, however, we often don’t hear about the tens of thousands of emergencies and disasters that they respond to worldwide each year. They have a great affect on the lives of millions of individuals each year.

I would personally like to thank the American Red Cross for all that they do to make our world a better place. I would also like to thank all of their volunteers and supporters. They all show what we can do when we come together to help our fellow man.

For more information on the American Red Cross, please visit www.redcross.org.

· White House Internship Program

The White House has recently announced their highly competitive internship program. This is an excellent opportunity to explore public service and to work with the President.

This program provides for many opportunities along with normal daily office duties, such as weekly lectures, tours, and intern service projects.

Those who would like to apply must be at least 18 years of age, hold United States citizenship, and be enrolled in a college or university. They also must be active in the community, great academic credentials, including verbal and written skills. Most of all, these individuals must show their interest in public service.

For more information on the White House Internship Program, please visit www.whitehouse.gov/government/wh-intern.html.

· Grant Applications

I would like to notify everyone that the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) Office of Grants and Training (G&T) will start accepting applications for its Fiscal Year 2006 Assistance to Firefighters Grants Program (AFG).

Applications will be accepted starting on Monday March 6, 2006 and close at the close of business on Friday, April 7, 2006. This year, DHS has authorized G&T to award $648 million towards Staffing for Adequate Fire and Emergency Response (SAFER) grants and Fire Prevention and Safety (FP&S) grants.

For more information and applications, please visit www.firegrantsupport.com.

· Route 66 Corridor Preservation Program

The National Park Service Route 66 Corridor Preservation Program has recently announced the opening of its 2006 cost-share grant application cycle.

Grant application may be submitted to the program office until April 28, 2006. The awards will be announced on or before July 7, 2006

For more information on these grants, please visit www.cr.nps.gov/rt66/grnts.

· Rural Development Grant

I am happy to announce funding through the United States Department of Agriculture to the Village of Beckemeyer. The village will receive a $720,000 loan and a $480,000 grant through Rural Development.

The funds will be used to replace 11,300 feet of sewer main. This is phase three of the project and will serve 141 village customers.

Making sure our water and sewer infrastructure is well maintained is an important role of Rural Development. Last year, Rural Development invested $86.7 million in the 19th District.

For more information on these grants, please visit www.usda.gov.

· True Learning, True Teaching

Understanding and supporting the many valued educators in Illinois, the Illinois Humanities Council has honored k-12 teachers, counselors, and librarians for the past 10 years.

The Illinois Humanities Council has announced its weeklong True Learning, True Teaching summer seminars. These seminars offers exploration of a number of humanities-based topics that state educational professionals can share with each other.

I would encourage all who are interested to apply. For more information, please visit www.prairie.org.

· New “Traveling Help Desk” Dates

On Thursday, March 9, 2006, Matt Pickett of my Springfield district office will be available to help the residents of Carrollton and Brighton. In Carrollton, he will be in the Carrollton City Hall at 621 South Main from 10:00 a.m. until 11:30 a.m. In Brighton, he will be in the Brighton City Hall at 206 South Main from 12:30 p.m. to 2:00 p.m.

For more information, please visit my web page at www.house.gov/shimkus/helpdesk.shtml. I hope you stop in to see us!

Website Theme

Each month, my website has a new theme to share interesting facts and helpful information. This month, the theme is “Income Tax Season”.

You may find my website at www.house.gov/shimkus.

Legislative Week in Review

· The following bills were passed by the House of Representatives this week:

o H.R. 1259 – To award the congressional gold medal to the Tuskegee Airmen (Rep. Charles Rangel – House Financial Services) I am a co-sponsor of this legislation.

· To keep up to date on legislation as it moves through the legislative process please visit http://thomas.loc.gov and type in the bill number.

Anticipated Action on the House Floor Next Week

· Congress will be in session from Tuesday through Thursday of next week. Some of the legislation which will be considered includes:

o H.R. 4167 – National Uniformity for Food Act of 2005 (Rep. Mike Rogers – House Energy and Commerce) I am a co-sponsor of this legislation.

o H.R. 2829 – Office of National Drug Control Policy Reauthorization Act of 2005 (Rep. Mark Souder – House Government Reform, Judiciary, Energy and Commerce, Intelligence, and Education and the Workforce)

· Keep an eye on the Office of the Clerk’s web site for upcoming legislation: http://clerk.house.gov/legisAct/index.html. This site provides up-to-date information on House legislative schedules.

Did You Know?

· U.S. Constitution Takes Effect

On March 4, 1789, the United States Congress met for the first time under the United States Constitution, in New York City. This great document was ratified with the assurance that amendments would immediately be adopted. These amendments, The Bill of Rights, originally included 17 Amendments, which the Senate combined and lowered to 12. Eventually, the first two amendments were not accepted by the states and the Bill of Rights became the 10 Constitutional Amendments which we enjoy today.

For more information on this election, please visit www.historychannel.com.

Thank you for the interest in my newsletter! Remember to tell your friends about it as well--they can sign up on my web page at http://www.house.gov/shimkus.


Congressman John Shimkus


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