WHO global influenza preparedness plan
The role of WHO and recommendations for national measures before and during pandemics - March 2005

Update November 2005 - Clarification on the use of masks by health-care workers in pandemic settings


- Arabic - [pdf 590 kb]
- English - Updated November 2005 - [pdf 266kb]
- French - Updated Novembre 2005 - [pdf 290kb]
- Russian - Updated November 2005
- Spanish


November 2005

Clarification on the use of masks by health-care workers in pandemic settings

- English [pdf 40kb]
- French [pdf 111kb]
- Russian [pdf 108kb]

The WHO global influenza preparedness plan has been prepared to assist WHO Member States and those responsible for public health, medical and emergency preparedness to respond to threats and occurrences of pandemic influenza.

It updates and significantly revises the Influenza pandemic plan. The role of WHO and guidelines for national and regional planning published by WHO in 1999. This new plan addresses the possibility of a prolonged existence of an influenza virus of pandemic potential, such as the H5N1 influenza virus subtype in poultry flocks in Asia, which persisted from 2003 onwards.

It also makes provision for the possibility of simultaneous occurrence of events with pandemic potential with different threat levels in different countries, as was the case in 2004 with poultry outbreaks of H7N3 in Canada and H5N1in Asia.The phases of increasing public health risk associated with the emergence of a new influenza virus subtype that may pose a pandemic threat have been redefined, actions for national authorities are recommended, and measures to be taken by WHO during each phase outlined.

This should result in greater predictability of the measures to be taken by the various partners involved, including WHO, during the different phases of the pandemic, and should improve international coordination and transparency in recommended national measures. Guidance is also provided to national authorities for developing their own pandemic plans in line with these phases.This document should be used in conjunction with the WHO checklist for influenza pandemic preparedness planning published by the World Health Organization in 2005.


- Executive summary

1. Introduction

2. Overview of new pandemic phases

3. Overarching goals, objectives and actions for each phase

Annex 1. Recommendations for nonpharmaceutical public health interventions
Annex 2. List of participants