United States Department of Agriculture
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NRCS and the U. S. Army Corps of Engineers Draft Action Plan

NRCS and U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) Core Team have drafted an action plan to implement the National Partnership Agreement that was signed by NRCS and USACE in 2005 and to monitor the benefits of accomplished collaborative efforts among both agencies that improve the management of water and related natural resources.  The action plan identifies initiatives that both agencies can collaboratively and cost-effectively pursue.

Even though the action plan will be national in scope, items in the action plan range from the policy and programmatic level to the development and application of watershed tools and training targeted for field level use.  The items in the plan are intended to improve coordination and communication between officials and staff at every level of the agencies.

The NRCS/USACE core team is actively soliciting input from all levels of both organizations with a substantive effort placed upon effectively engaging the field.  A subset team, comprised of technical specialists from both agencies, is currently providing input for the draft action plan.  The core team plans to distribute the draft action plan nationwide to both agencies for a field level review and comments following subset team review. The final action plan for the NRCS/USACE National Partnership Agreement is scheduled to be approved by the leadership of both agencies later this year.
Your contact is Doris Washington, NRCS Liaison to the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, at 501-210-8910.

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NRCS-USACE Agreement (269 KB)
NRCS-USACE Joint Memo (61 KB)
DRAFT NRCS-USACE National Partnership Action Plan (222 KB)