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TMDL Resources

Know Your Watershed is coordinated by Conservation Technology Information Center.

What's a TMDL?

Total Maximum Daily Load (TMDL) is the amount of a particular pollutant that a particular stream, lake, estuary or other waterbody can 'handle' without violating state water quality standards. Of course, this is a greatly simplified explanation!  For details see our TMDL fact sheet.

So what's the big deal?
Once a TMDL is established, responsibility for reducing pollution among both point sources (pipes) and diffuse sources is assigned. Diffuse "sources" include, but are not limited to run-off (urban, agricultural, forestry, etc.), leaking underground storage tanks, unconfined aquifers, septic systems, stream channel alteration, and damage to a riparian area.  

Who's responsible for TMDLs?
Ultimately this responsibility lies on the shoulders of everyone who lives works or plays in a watershed that drains into an impaired waterbody. However, according the the Clean Water Act, EPA is responsible ... if the states forgo their responsibility.  For your ease of use, we have collected and linked state TMDL websites.

An overview of the TMDL process.

  1. Identify waters that do not meet water quality standards. In this process, the state identifies the particular pollutant(s) causing the water not to meet standards.

  2. Prioritize waters that do not meet standards for TMDL development (for example, waters with high naturally occurring "pollution" will fall to the bottom of the list).

  3. Establish TMDLs (set the amount of pollutant that needs to be reduced and assign responsibilities) for priority waters to meet state water quality standards. A separate TMDL is set to address each pollutant with concentrations over the standards.

  4. Strategy to reduce pollution and assess progress made during implementation of the strategy. This is when a watershed partnership most likely will want to get involved. If the partnership has already developed a plan of action, it should be shared with the state. In fact, several states have incorporated watershed partnership plans in the state's strategy for specific TMDLs.