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They Helped to Fill Up the 'Canvas'

On May 25, 1805, Thomas Jefferson wrote to Lawrence Dunbar: "The work we are now doing is I trust done for posterity, in such a way that they need not repeat it. For this we are much indebted to you not only for the labour & time you have devoted to it, but for the excellent method of which you have set the example, and which I hope will be the model to be followed by others. We shall delineate with correctness the great arteries of this great country: those who come after us will extend the ramifications as they become acquainted with them, and fill up the canvas we begin. With my acknolegements [sic] for your zealous aid in this business, accept by friendly salutations & assurances of great esteem & respect."

Meriwether Lewis and William Clark. Reproduction information: Images not from Library of Congress. Thomas Jefferson Papers Series 1. General Correspondence. 1651-1827.

Lawrence Dunbar led the 1804-05 expedition to explore the southwestern boundaries of the Louisiana Purchase. Jefferson was writing Dunbar to thank him for "the labour and time you have devoted" and to relay details about the Lewis and Clark expedition, which had begun in May 1804. The expedition, called the Corps of Discovery, was President Thomas Jefferson's visionary project to explore the American West -- to "fill up the canvas" of America.

A new activity from the Learning Page, called "Fill Up the Canvas…Rivers of Words: Exploring with Lewis and Clark," introduces you to manuscripts from the Library’s collections that tell the story of the Corps of Discovery as its members headed to the Pacific Ocean. The Learning Page is designed for students and teachers but its activities, features and collaborative activities are for everyone. In "The Great American Potluck," you can look at recipes submitted by other users from across the country and submit one of your own. In "The Branding of America," find out what famous American products are from your home state. If you don’t see one for your state, you can add a product yourself.

A. Meriwether Lewis and William Clark. Reproduction information: Images not from Library of Congress.

B. Thomas Jefferson Papers Series 1. General Correspondence. 1651-1827. Meriwether Lewis, April 20, 1803, Expedition Estimate. Manuscript Division