- World Wide Opportunities on Organic Farms
...living, learning, sharing organic lifestyles 

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WWOOF around the world:

Where can I WWOOF?
Who should I contact?

WWOOF by region:
Or see:

WWOOF hosts:

grow organically, are in conversion, or use ecologically sound methods on their land.

provide hands-on experience of organic growing and other learning opportunities where possible.

provide clean dry accommodation and adequate food for their volunteers.

more information for hosts...

WWOOFers (volunteers):

need a genuine interest in learning about organic growing, country living or ecologically sound lifestyles.

help their hosts with daily tasks for an agreed number of hours.

Other non-organic organisations:
WWOOF does not personally know the organisations linked to below and so we can take no responsibility for the content of their websites.

Work exchange
  • workaway.info

  • more...
  • Free/low-cost volunteering
  • the7interchange.com

  • more...
  • Free/low-cost travel
  • couchsurfing.com

  • more...
  • Photo: John Cant What is WWOOF?

    WWOOF is a world wide network - It started in the UK in 1971 and has since become an international movement that is helping people share more sustainable ways of living.

    WWOOF is an exchange - In return for volunteer help, WWOOF hosts offer food, accommodation and opportunities to learn about organic lifestyles.

    WWOOF organisations link people who want to volunteer on organic farms or smallholdings with people who are looking for volunteer help.

    How does it work?

    WWOOF organisations publish lists of organic farms, smallholdings and gardeners that welcome volunteer help at certain times. The diversity of hosts available offers a large variety of tasks and experiences.

    Volunteer helpers ("WWOOFers") choose the hosts that most interest them and make direct contact to arrange a stay. Volunteers usually live as part of the family.

    ◊ WWOOF volunteers do not pay for their stay.

    Photo: Margaret Singer

    ◊ WWOOF hosts do not pay volunteers for their help.

    ◊ WWOOF organisations usually charge a small fee to hosts and volunteers. This fee helps maintain and develop the WWOOF network.

    Who is WWOOF for?

    Read the simple descriptions of WWOOF hosts and WWOOFers (see right).

    Do you fit this description?

    If so, you are the sort of person that WWOOF was created for!

    If not, you could try the organisations listed in the box 'Other non-organic organisations' (right).

    WWOOF around the world

    There are many WWOOF organisations around the world, but there is no single WWOOF membership that covers all countries.

    See here for more information...

    photo Binod Saharia

    a general information site about WWOOF.
    It is run for the benefit of all recognised WWOOF organisations and to promote the general ideals of WWOOF.
    The information on this site is maintained by
    WWOOF (WORLD WIDE OPPORTUNITIES ON ORGANIC FARMS), a company limited by guarantee.
    Company registered in England & Wales - No. 02852470 - VAT registration : GB 879-8368-38.
    Registered charity (UK) No. 1126220
    Copyright © 1998-2009 WWOOF

    If you have any problems with this website, please contact IT support.