Oregon State University

Institute for Water and Watersheds

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Recent Presentations

(listed by date)


  • Special Seminar: Rethinking water and food scarcity: Can science and technology solve the global crisis? - presentation by M.R. Llamas, Complutense University, Spain and Elena López-Gunn, London Schoool of Economics on October 15, 2008. Llamas-OSU_Oct152008.pdf (3.8 Mb; posted October 27, 2008)

  • Special Seminar: Water, Ethics & Religion - presentation by M.R. Llamas, Spanish Royal Academy of Sciences. Llamas-OSU_Oct162008.pdf (2.7 Mb; posted October 27, 2008)

  • The World's Fresh Water Resources and the 4C's: Climate, Conflict, Cooperation, and Caring - presentation by Michael E. Campana at Columbia Gorge Community College, Hood River, Oregon, October 17, 2008. ColumbiaGorge17Oct2008.pdf (7.2 Mb; posted October 20, 2008)

  • Conflict, Cooperation, and the New ‘Great Game’ in the Kura-Araks Basin of the South Caucasus - presentation by Michael E. Campana and Berrin Basak Vener at the UCOWR/NIWR 2008 Conference, 22-24 July, Durham, NC. Campana_Vener.pdf (600 kb; posted July 24, 2008) see also: Vener, Berrin Basak and Michael E. Campana, 2008. Conflict, Cooperation, and the New ‘Great Game’ in the Kura-Araks Basin of the South Caucasus. Proceedings, Universities Council on Water Resources/National Institutes for Water Resources (UCOWR/NIWR) Annual Conference, Durham, NC. Vener_Campana.pdf (100 kb; posted July 24, 2008)

  • Water on the Edge: Water Issues for the 21st Century - Panel discussion with Dr. Mark Giordano, International Water Management Institute; Prof. John Kolars, emeritus, University of Michigan; Judy Kolars, emeritus, University of Michigan; Prof. Tom Naff, University of Pennsylvania. This panel was part of welcoming activities to celebrate the arrival of the Middle East Water Collection Database to OSU. The collection was donated by Dr. Thomas Naff, Professor Emeritus of Asian and Middle Eastern Studies and the Institute for Environmental Studies (IES) at the University of Pennsylvania. Discussion is available via streaming from OSU Media Services. Please note, a working installation of RealPlayer is required to view the streaming video link. (posted June 10, 2008)
  • A Three-Dimensional Perspective of the Hydrogeology of Benton County - Todd Jarvis, IWW Associate Director, drew this illustration for a workshop on challenges facing water protection in light of increased development in Benton County. The workshop was held in Corvallis on May 14, 2008; for more information refer to the Benton County Water Supply Policy and Plan Project. BentonCountyGeology.pdf (7 Mb; posted June 3, 2008)

  • Equitable Distribution of Benefits in Transboundary Waters: The Nile and Columbia River Basins - Presention given at the at the Annual Meeting of the American Association of Geographers, April 2008, Boston, MA by Biniam Iyob, Ph.D. Candidate, Department of Geosciences, Oregon State University. Iyob_2008.pdf (600 kb; posted May 7, 2008)

  • Middle East Water Collection Database - This collection was the gracious donation of Dr. Thomas Naff, Professor Emeritus of Asian and Middle Eastern Studies and the Institute for Environmental Studies (IES) at the University of Pennsylvania. The database contains approximately 9000 items on the subjects of Middle East politics and water, and includes materials from books, journals, reports, and newspaper articles. Most documents in the public domain are available in full text at the above WWW site. More materials will be added as soon as copyright permission is obtained. The complete collection is housed on the the 3rd floor of The OSU Valley Library. Funding provided by the Institute for Water and Watersheds and OSU's Program inWater Conflict Management and Transformation (PWCMT) and College of Science(CoS). Contact Patrick MacQuarrie if you have any questions or comments. (posted March 7, 2008)

  • Recap and Video of Presentations from the Symposium on Aquifer Storage and Recovery and Artificial Recharge in Oregon: Overcoming Technical, Regulatory, and Social Challenges - Convened by OSU Institute for Water and Watersheds and Oregon Water Resources Departmen, 28 February 2008, LaSells Stewart Center, Oregon State University, Corvallis, Oregon. (posted March 4, 2008)

  • Numerical Simulation of the Anaerobic Transformation of Tetrachloroethene (PCE) to Ethene in a Continuous Flow Aquifer Column - by Nizar Mustafa, Mohammad Azizian, Mark Dolan and Lewis Semprini, School of Chemical, Biological and Environmental Engineering, Oregon State University. Poster presented at the Fall 2007 American Geophysical Union Meeting, San Francisco. Part of Nizar's research was funded by the IWW 2007 small grants program. Mustafa_2007.pdf (300 kb; posted 1/08)


  • Bottled Water and The Environment - presentation given to the GEO 300 Environmental Conservation classes each term and in other venues, Spring 2007, by Todd Jarvis, IWW Senior Researcher. BottledWaterEnvironment.pdf (1.3Mb; posted 5/30/07)

  • Modeling Streambed Heating in Shallow Streams - Robert Annear, Portland State University, April 24, 2007, IWW Seminar presentation. This project was funded by the USGS Mini-grant Program. Robert_Annear.pdf (2.5 Mb; posted 5/2007)

  • Groundwater Management, Measure 37 & Oregon’s Groundwater - presentation by Todd Jarvis, IWW Senior Researcher, to the Oregon House of Representatives Committee on Energy and the Environment, 3/12/07. HR_E&E_12March2007.pdf (324k; posted 3/12/07)

  • National Perspectives on Water Measurement Strategies - presentation by Michael Campana, IWW Director, before the Oregon House of Representatives Energy and Environment Committee, 2/19/07. HR_E&E_19Feb2007.pdf (0.5Mb; posted 2/20/07)

For other presentations and reports, see also: the IWW Initiatives page with links to presentations about the IWW and its initiatives.