Oregon State University

Institute for Water and Watersheds

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The IWW supports water students and faculty regardless of their schools, departments, and colleges. Oregon’s water issues require the best young minds, and the best young minds require financial support. We compete with well-financed, top-tier water schools (e.g., UT-Austin, Stanford, UC-Davis, UC-Berkeley, Arizona) for talent – at both the graduate student and professorial levels.

Student Support

Although not formally affiliated with the Water Resources Graduate Program, the IWW is intimately involved in providing support to water students across campus. As an example, it costs about $6,500 per 10-week term to support a graduate student, or about $20,000 per 9-month academic year. Each year we also award up to three Diversity and Excellence Graduate Scholarships at $15,000 each. If you would like to support a student through one of the above, or perhaps through an on-the-job internship, please contact the Director, Michael E. Campana (541-737-2413; aquadoc@oregonstate.edu).


The IWW is also embarking on a campaign to fund six endowments so that a perpetual income can be realized. This ambitious campaign seeks $50,000,000 and will benefit the entire OSU water community. Specific endowments are listed below; if you are interested in funding one of these or something not listed, please contact the Director for more details.

1) Water and Watershed Fellowships - $5,000,000

The corpus will provide an annual income of approximately $200,000. The income will be used for two groups of students, as described below.

  1. Photo of students surveying a stream channel.Undergraduates who are pursuing a degree in a water-related discipline (science, engineering, social sciences) and wish to work under the research mentorship of an appropriate faculty member. The awards will provide up to 12 months of tuition and a 12 month stipend. Awards will be made on the basis of merit, will special consideration given to students who are underrepresented in water disciplines and who have indicated a desire to pursue graduate studies. The pairing of the student with a faculty research mentor will provide the student with experiential learning and strengthen his/her marketability vis-à-vis graduate school or a professional position. Four awards will be made annually.
  2. Incoming (new) graduate students who are pursuing degrees in the Water Resources Graduate Program. Each fellowship will be for 12 months and will cover tuition and a stipend. The student will work on research under a faculty mentor. Three awards will be made annually.

2) Seminar Series - $1,500,000

This will provide about $50,000 annually to support our weekly seminar series in which we bring in speakers from outside OSU for lectures and meetings. Students, faculty, and staff will be kept abreast of the latest cutting-edge research through this series, and speakers will be exposed to OSU’s excellence in water resources. Funds will provide for travel, per diem and honoraria.

3) Endowed Chair in Water Law and Policy - $4,500,000

The income from the corpus – approximately $175,000 annually – will fund a 9-month, 1.00 FTE academic position at the full professor rank along with a research and travel fund. The successful candidate will have a JD or equivalent degree with experience in water law and policy. This individual will enhance the Water Resources Graduate Program, which is relatively weak in the policy/law/management component, as opposed to the science and engineering components. With this individual, OSU will be able to develop a PhD in its water resources policy/management concentration to match the science and engineering doctorates. OSU will also become more of a force in the water policy arena, which is becoming an increasingly important aspect of water resources at the local, state, federal, and international levels.

4) Research Professorship - $2,500,000

This will provide an income of approximately $100,000 annually to provide support for a freshly-minted (within 3 years) PhD who wishes to secure a research position for a year or two before entering the tenure stream. The annual income will be used for a 12-month position plus a modest research and travel fund. This will be similar to a post-doctoral position but more prestigious; the individual selected will have more freedom to pursue his/her research interests and will not necessarily be assigned to a specific research project under a faculty member. We anticipate that this position will be extremely competitive.  

5) Exploratory Research and Teaching Fund - $4,000,000

Provide funds (up to $150,000 per year) to faculty, staff, and students to fund: 1) relatively high-risk, low-cost water research projects that will lead to larger projects/proposals; and 2) innovative course and workshop development and implementation (including those with a strong outreach component).

6) Visiting Professorships – $2,500,000

Annual income ($100,000) from the corpus will fund positions for visiting professors – those on sabbatical, short-term-leave from home institutions, or retired who wish to use OSU as a “home” to continue with productive scholarly activity. We anticipate being able to fund at least two such positions per year, depending upon the particular needs of the individuals.

Photo of the collaboratory.7) IWW Collaboratory – $2,500,000

Annual income:$100,000. The IWW Collaboratory is an open analytical laboratory for both the OSU and OUS (Oregon University System) communities. It offers a wide variety of water analyses to support both student and faculty research. Endowing the Collaboratory will enable us to offer reasonable rates to our customers and maintain our suite of excellent analytical equipment.

8) IWW Operations - $7,500,000

Annual income: $300,000. The IWW was funded by OSU’s Provost at $300,000 annually for 5 years. This endowment will enable the IWW to continue after the Provost’s fund expire, enabling us to serve the water community at OSU and the State of Oregon.

9) Water Faculty Endowments – 5 @ $4,000,000 each

Annual income from each endowment: $160,000. These funds will enable us to permanently fund 5 faculty positions in water resources science, policy and management, and engineering in departments and colleges across the OSU campus. The funds will cover salaries and benefits as well as a modest research and travel budget. These are not IWW positions, but will be allocated to other units according to need. Right now our most pressing need is in the area of water resources policy and management faculty.