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Go for Gardening’s Bounties:  Health, Wealth, Wisdom

The 2009 WVU Extension Garden Calendar showcases the many benefits of the garden.  Gardening gives you the freedom to:

  • Enjoy delicious, fresh vegetables and colorful, fragrant flower bouquets.
  • Grow your choice of fruits and vegetables for preserving.
  • Ensure a safe food supply with homegrown produce.

Those benefits may be obvious. But gardening also gives you some not-so-obvious benefits:

  • Working in the garden can be a great stress reducer, reaping physical benefits for the gardener.
  • Planning a garden as a family can build stronger ties among the generations.
  • Learning about and planting a new vegetable, some suggest, may help a gardener keep an agile and curious mind.

Earn and Save Money
WVU Extension educators have helped many people who are interested in saving and earning money by growing food. One of the articles in the 2009 WVU Extension Garden Calendar details the valuable “income” that a garden can help a family earn.

Ask the Experts
Gardening is both a pastime and a lifestyle for many in West Virginia, and it’s a topic that is talked about almost daily in WVU Extension Service county offices.  WVU Extension agents, specialists, and staff answer questions, provide educational information, and even impart a bit of home-grown wisdom to both experienced and just-starting gardeners.

They also can tell you where to pick up your free 2009 WVU Extension Service Calendar. Call or visit your county’s WVU Extension Service office to learn more.

Other Gardening Resources


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