Dürnstein Ruins!

Dürnstein Ruins!
Where King Richard the Lionheart was held captive during the Crusades!

Some music to enjoy as you read!

Quedlinburg, Germany!

Quedlinburg, Germany!
Sehr Schön or very beautiful!

About ME!

My Photo
WV IFYE 2008
Hello and Welcome! I am the West Virginia IFYE this year and I am honored to be representing my state. For those of you that do not know me, I have just recently graduated from WVU with a Bachelor of Science Degree in Medical Technology (Laboratory work!). I decided to apply to be the IFYE this year because I love to travel and meet new people, as well as give something back to the extraordinary 4-H program that I have been in my whole life. I am 23 years old and believe that this will be a life-changing experience! I am planning on posting blogs every week or so and hope to have pictures as well. So, I will to keep you up to date with my activities! I am new to this "blogging business," but it's worth a shot...here goes nothing!
View my complete profile

My Timeline!

  • June 23rd-29th-Arrive in Germany and get oriented with the German IFYE Coordinators-Edith Schröder & Bettina Heinemann.
  • June 29th-July 19th-Familie Röhr 1st host family in Reinfeld, Germany
  • July 19th-August 11-Familie Bär-2nd host family in Hofheim, Germany
  • Aug. 11-Sept. 3rd-Familie Saudhof-3rd host family in Nelben, Germany
  • September 3rd-Flight to Cambridge, England to visit my mom's college friend as well as my friend to!!!
  • September 12th-Train trip to Willington, Derby to visit my grandmother!
  • September 19th-Flight to Austria!
  • December 8th-Flight back to the U.S.A!!!!! :)

Monday, January 12, 2009

Vienna Boys Choir!


Sunday, January 4, 2009

Reverse Culture Shock...Hmm....

Well my supportive readers,

I have been back in the blessed USA for almost a month and my exchange trip seems like a distant memory. I feel as if I have just awoken from a long sleep and never really went at all. Some may ask, 'Why do I feel this way?' I think a large part of it would have to do with the plain and simple fact that life here at home, although six months in the future, is still the same. I am not implying that people decided to stop what they were doing and wait for my return...nor that I expected a huge difference in Hampshire County life when I got back. I guess, I had heard stories of previous IFYES and other exchangees who had such an experience abroad that they changed their whole way of thinking and their life's plan. I know that I have changed and grown as an independent, free-spirited youth into a more conscientious and mindful global citizen. I feel much more connected to the world as a whole, instead of how I used to look at things as only on the county, state and at most national level.

This is quite an interior switch, which I am sure is just as important, if not more so than the picture I had in my mind of me stepping back onto West Virginia Soil. I keep replaying the last 6 months in my head and all those distinctly made memories have become one giant blur. I look through pictures of my travels and have to stop and think for several minutes on the name of that town I visited in Styria or what was the name of my 3rd host sister again? Those details that, at the time, were spoken from my lips daily and used so often in that 3 week span I could almost spell them in my sleep. I almost feel ashamed, as though I have not done them justice or have failed at my experience in some way. But, as time passes and I am home, I know that it is just the usual order of life. I applied, accepted, planned, participated, returned and filed it away. Like a categorized album in my life's scrapbook.

I am glad to be working on a my West Virginia Tour presentation because it is allowing me to refresh some of those closed memories I made in the beginning of my exchange. I want to remember, I don't want to file this trip away like Senior Year Soccer Season in high school or Prom 2003. I shall bring those photographs to the forefront, so that I know that it was no dream. After all, how many people in their lifetimes are given such an extraordinary opportunity as I have just returned from. Well, not many by my estimation. Therefore, I will look forward to sharing my time and expressing the importance of such an experience.

As I look back over my life and remember those key moments that stand out above all the others, I find that most, if not all, of those memories usually begin with one of these 3 phrases..."Through 4-H , During 4-H Camp or when I was an IFYE..." That's a lot of moments, all with one unifying theme 4-H!!! Now that's some powerful stuff right there!!!:)

Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Real Men on White Horses!

My Day with the Lipizzaner Stallions in Vienna:

On Friday November 21st 2008, I took the opportunity to spend the day in Vienna and see a performance by the world famous Spanish Lipizzaner Stallions in the Hofreitschule. I initially arrived in Vienna at about 10 am, so I had the day to explore the other city sights since the horse show wasn’t until 7p.m. My first stop was the Belvedere Schloss, with its beautiful grounds and all within the city of Vienna. It was raining pretty heavily, but I was sure to take my new, trusty Landjugend Umbrella, so that wasn’t a problem. I wanted to be sure to pick up my ticket for the Lipizzaner Show early, so stopped by the store before I walked over to the Rathaus for my first ‘Christkindlemarkt’ experience. Luckily, the heavy rain took a breather when I arrived at the market. It was a wonderland of little huts selling anything from chocolate and sweet breads back to ornaments and jewelry. I enjoyed it so much and what made it even better was walking around with a nice hot mug of Glühwein while par oozing through the endless rows of huts. I noticed, before I bought the beverage that a majority of the shoppers were holding a blue mug and I am here to experience as much as I can, so…as they say, ‘When in Rome…’ therefore, I mingled with the locals holding my own blue mug of deliciousness! ;) Fear not, those that visit the market with their car, they sell alcohol free punch, which is also quite good. I was at the advent market for a few hours and then it started to rain again, so I took refuge in a local church, it was nice to rest my feet as well as to get out of the wind and rain. Then I, once again, braved the weather to revisit Stephansdom (St. Stephen's Cathedral), which is the city landmark basically and quite lovely with its tiled roof and gothic style architecture. I shopped a bit along the Kärntner Straße (one of the main shopping streets) until I decided to make my way back to the Hofburg for the venue. It was about an hour before the performance, so I stopped at a little stand by the ‘Lions Club,’ which is similar to a ruritan club; so I decided to support them a bit by having a cuppa Glühwein. A very nice couple was running the stand and the husband spoke English well, so we had a great chat until I had to leave for my performance. Then, when I was shown to my seat (which was right in front=perfect) the couple next to me were Americans currently living in London and the wife was an MLT (Medical Laboratory Technician-Associates Degree Level) which was extraordinarily coincidental; needless to say she and I were excited to speak about our work…etc. The time flew by and the music began to play signaling the start of the show. The Master of Ceremonies was a bit long-winded, but other than that the performance was amazing. The Lipizzaner Stallions are bred in Piber (where I went with my 3rd host mother) and then trained and brought up to Vienna for the shows. The Hofreitschule is the ONLY location in the world that still practices the original forms of dressage (the art or method of training a horse in obedience and in precision of movement). The Lipizzaner Studs are born black an then, as they age, turn to pure white…very cool! Throughout the performance there were different levels of dressage, a few horses did jump-kicks and one could stay in the ‘rearing position’ for a good length of time. With Mozart playing in the background and several horses moving in unison, it was just a great atmosphere. The lofty ceilings and the white columns combined with the instrumental music reverberating in the gallery added so much to the mood of the show. One of my favorite parts of the performance was seeing the different personalities of the horses, even though they are in complete unanimity, there are still subtle hints as to each individual horse’s disposition. The best horse in the show would hold each pose longer and stronger than the others and, in doing so, adding his own little twist, would blow air out of his nose loudly on each step; I liked that horse best of all, it had the most outward and forceful personality (perhaps there is a correlation there, maybe we are kindred spirits). Who knows…but the show was an absolute treat and, even though it was rather expensive, I would recommend it to future travelers visiting Vienna. Two thumbs WAY, WAY UP!

When the show ended at 8:20 p.m, I rushed on the metro back to the Südbahnhof (train station) where I had previously checked that 3 trains were running back to Münchendorf that night; However, I was very unenthusiastically told by the information desk, “There are NO more trains to Münchendorf today.” I was a little upset, but instead of wallowing in self-pity, I thought quickly and jumped on the next train to Mödling; which is only about 10 minutes drive from my host family. Luckily, my host mother had suggested I borrow Irina’s (9 yr. old host sister) Handy (cellphone) for the day in Vienna, so I was able to call them to pick me up. Even with that little mishap at the end of the day and my umbrella breaking from the extreme wind at lunchtime, I was still on ‘Cloud 9,’ smiling from ear-to-ear on the train home. It was a magical day with the Christmas market and my lovely ‘Men on White Horses!’

(Note to the ladies: MOST of the trainers/riders were ‘cute-as-a-button,’ or rather a more appropriate phrase, ‘STUD MUFFINS!’ ;) It was a super night and quite visually stimulating!)

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

How to make an IFYE Happy = Chocolate!

My new host family, lives in Münchendorf, a small village on the outskirts of Vienna. I was delighted, that upon my exit from the train I was greeted with a BIG smile from my new host parents. I am always a bit nervous whether or not they will recognize me, since in the picture I sent I am rather 'made-up' and usually during my train trips between families I have just been many hours on the train, so am not looking the greatest. But, I guess it is always a pretty large hint, when I am the only one with lots of luggage, so I really have no need to worry. We packed the car and my host parents took me on a little tour of Möding. I was able to eat Castanian Nuts again and had my first experience with Glühwein, which is a hot mixture of wine, rum, cinnamon and other delicious ingredients put to a boil and the creation is utterly delightful; especially since it is much colder than where I was in Styria. My new host father calls most things medicine, so our Glühwein was not only medicinal it was also very satisfying on a cold winter night. I am looking forward to many more meetings with my new-found, Austrian Traditional Christmas Beverage. ;) However, as my new host father Peter so wisely puts it, it is good medicine with a little bit and too much has the reverse effect. We had a nice family meal and at the end I was surprised with a lovely Sachertorte cake (Austrian Cake sent all over the world) to welcome me into their household (pictured above). So, that is a great start to my family and final days in Austria!

We then drove about 15 minutes to Münchendorf, my new home for 2.5 weeks. I was introduced to the rest of the family; being Michael (11 yrs), Irina (9 yrs.) and the grandparents. They have an energetic dog Riki, which is a girl by the way and the typical lazy cat that coincidentally is named Garfield! I am staying on the 2nd floor with Oma and Opa and my room is entirely decorated in shining, frilly, lime green material. I am not, the girliest of girls, otherwise I would be in heaven...but I can't help but laugh everytime I enter my room. The bed is quite large, which is fabulous and I have plenty of space, but even so I do have to chuckle a bit. The house itself is U-shaped with a large courtyard in the middle which, for some reason, reminds me of Tuscany (even if I haven't been there yet, it is on the list though). My host family have many hectors of Sugar Beets, Wheat, Barley, Sunflowers and own a large compost business. On Tuesday, I helped with a few bookkeeping things and used a calculator, which had been many months since I had had one in my hand, quite a strange sensation. So, I do do a little work now and then with the families that host me; on Monday I cooked lunch for the workers on the farm and it turned out quite well. I am looking forward to sharing some of my new recipes when I arrive home for Christmas. As far as future plans, I am excited for Friday because I have bought a ticket to see the famous Lipizzaner Horse Show in Vienna. They are Spanish Horses that perform the best dressage in the world and it is the only school left in the world. For those of you who aren't familiar, dressage is the art or method of training a horse in obedience and in precision of movement. My mother told me that I couldn't leave Austria without seeing them, so I am scheduled to this Friday at 7 p.m. I am extremely excited and hope to have a video clip and lots of pictures to share. Then, on Saturday my first host family is picking me up to go to a 'Devil Fest,' I know...I was a little dubious in the beginning as well; but, in Ausria Kampus (The devil) is part of the Christmas Tradition, on the 5th of December St. Nikolo comes to bring every good child a gift and then, on the 6th Krampus visits the not-so-good children. I know that I am not explaining it as well as I will be able to at the end of the festival on Satuday, so more will come when I am fully educated! I am enjoying myself, but must confess that I am counting down the days until I am home with family and friends for the holidays and, as of today, I have 19 days! So a, not so subtle hint, everyone mark their calendars for my return on the 9th of December so you can start planning the 'Welcome Home' parties!!! ;)

Wednesday, November 12, 2008


Now a little information about Austrian Fall Traditions starting in November:

* All Saints' Day (also called All Hallows or Hallowmas), often shortened to All Saints, is a feast celebrated on November 1 in Western Christianity, and on the first Sunday after Pentecost in Eastern Christianity in honour of all the saints, known and unknown. In terms of Western Christian theology, the feast commemorates all those who have attained the beatific vision in heaven. Specifically, in the Roman Catholic Church, the next day, All Souls' Day, commemorates the departed faithful who have not yet been purified and reached heaven. In Austria on Nov. 1st, the custom is for people to light candles and bring flowers to the graves (Friedhof-Graveyard) of dead relatives. The priest says a few words and then proceeds to walk throughout the graveyard dispersing holy water, during which all others present (except me because it was in German) pray together. It is quite a sight to see and very educational.

*Starting at the end of November lasting till Christmas Day you can find "Christkindlmärkte" on nearly every corner of most Austrian cities. Small huts provide you with potentiall christmas presents, food and most important hot punch and "Glühwein", sweet and heated mulled wine.

Christmas in Austria revolves around a number of traditions, the first is on December 6th when Saint Nicholas comes to bring the good children gifts.

On December 24th when the city is frantic with last minute shoppers, the countryside is a refuge for quiet traditions. Farmers chalk the initials of the Three Wise Men on the archway of the stable door to protect the herd from sickness in the coming year and Christmas trees are lit.

In the snow-covered Alps, families descend from their mountain homes to the valley below, illuminating the night with torches held high to light their way in the darkness. Carolers gather in church towers and village squares to guide the people to Christmas services with their melodies. All shops, theatres and concert halls close their doors for this is an evening spent with only with family.

Following church services, families return home for their more intimate celebrating. First Christmas Eve dinner is served, often with ‘Gebackener Karpfen’ (fried carp) as the main course. Dessert may be chocolate and apricot cake called ‘Sachertorte’ and Austrian Christmas cookies called ‘Weihnachtsbaeckerei’.

Afterwards presents are given, but in Austria, there is no Santa Claus. Children are taught that their presents have been brought by the ‘Kristkindl’, a golden-haired baby with wings, who symbolizes the new born Christ.

This is also where the ‘Christkindlmarkt’, or Christmas market gets it’s name. Early in December these Christmas markets open in towns and cities all over Austria, with rows of booths and stalls selling colourful ornaments and decorations, gingerbread, Advent wreaths, candles, small gifts, and even Christmas trees.

Silent Night was first sung in 1818, in the village church of Oberndorf. There is a story told of how Christmas was almost spoiled for the villagers that year.

On Christmas Eve, the priest went into the church and found that the organ was not working. The leather bellows that are used to pump the air through the pipes were full of holes. Christmas without music would not do so the priest showed the organist Franz Bauer a new Christmas hymn he had written. Franz quickly composed a tune for it that could be played on a guitar. So Oberndorf had music after all.

Well, that is definitely something I will miss during my exchange...all the Christmas bustle. Although, I will be able to participate in the Christmas Markets over the last weekend in November when they begin. I am extremely eager for that, I just love Christmas! So, those are a few of the traditions and history in Austria.

Family Music!

Hello All,

I have been having quite a wonderful beginning of November here in Styria. My host family has been fabulous and I just feel at home here. Well, now let's get into some things I have learned here in Austria!

1-When living in an area that are BIG wine makers, when pouring wine into a glass, make for darn sure that it is the right wine glass. Before I came I just figured that it would be alright to get 'any ole glass,' BIG MISTAKE. So, as to warn you...think carefully before volunteering to be the distributor.

2-The word 'hiking' has a different definition to every person. If you like hiking be sure to say that you do, but make well and clear what your version of hiking is. Because, in Austria, anything under a 45 degree incline is only A WALK!

3-Biking is mostly NOT a leisurely sport, when you say you bike as a hobbie and wouldn't mind going sometime...get ready, get set and you are off. The helmet is on, check, water bottle secure, check...and prepare yourself on your bike, arms tight, head down and you are off. High speeds, focus and determination in your heart...that is what biking is in Austria; a passion, taken seriously and don't even think about going on a flat road, it is either up a mountain and down the other side or nothing! I, myself, prefer to sit upright peddling slowly as to enjoy the views and 'smell the flowers.' NO way, gonna have to wait to do that until I get home to West Virginia. Bikers are unswervingly committed in Austria!

Ok, so now you know a few tips that I had to figure out the hard way. So, heed my warning. Now, on with the next. I have been trying to upload a video that I made on Sunday Nov. 9th when my host family gave me a private concert. They call it, Familia Musik and they are all talented. The picture above is Franz, Charlotte and I before the show, I was on tenterhooks waiting. I wanted to share with you my experience, but sadly I just don't think blogspot could upload it, too large a file I expect. However, I am sure that you have enjoyed the other videos that I have added and will hopefully continue, but making sure not to make them so long in future.

Austrian Familia Hirt (Oct . 26th-Nov.16th, 2008)!