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Contact Staff Contact Board & Administration Staff
CWCB Board & Administration Section
1313 Sherman St. Room 721
Denver, CO  80203
303.866.4474 Fax

Email Jennifer Gimbel, Director
Phone Number 303.866.3441
As the director of the Colorado Water Conservation Board, Jennifer carries out the policies and directives of the Board relating to the conservation, development and utilization of the state’s water resources, and works closely with the State Engineer, General Assembly, the Executive Director of the Department of Natural Resources, and the Governor on water resource issues for the State of Colorado. She acts as the representative for the state on interstate and intrastate water issues, including issues relating to flood control, water conservation and drought planning, water information, river restoration and environmental aspects of water management. As Director, she is involved with federal and state legislation pertaining to water resources and represents the State of Colorado on commissions and entities such as the Arkansas River Compact Administration, the Upper Colorado River Commission, the Colorado River Basin Salinity Control Forum, the Western States Water Council, and the Missouri Basin States Association.
Jennifer has over 20 years experience as a water attorney, working first for the Wyoming Attorney General and then for the Colorado Attorney General on water, natural resource, and environmental issues. Before accepting the Director position, Jennifer worked for the Department of the Interior and the Bureau of Reclamation on Indian water rights, collaborative efforts on the Middle Rio Grande In New Mexico, and state and federal water rights issues.

Dan McAuliffe   Email Dan McAuliffe, Deputy Director
  Phone Number  303.866.3441
As Deputy Director, Dan McAuliffe is responsible for the overall coordination of the activities of all sections of the Colorado Water Conservation Board, and is the direct supervisor of the agency's six Section Chiefs. He is also responsible for directing and coordinating the work of the six Administrative Section staff members that includes budget, personnel, accounting, Board meetings and general office management. He is instrumental in the creation of the bi-monthly Director's Report that is submitted at each CWCB Board Meeting. Dan also develops and recommends in-house agency policies and procedures, and monitors federal, state and local legislative matters that relate to either the agency's operation or specific statewide water issues. 
 Email Tina Heltzel, Budget Analyst
Phone Number 303.866.3441 x3218
Tina provides budgetary and fiscal direction, administration, management, analysis, presentation and control of the CWCB budget. She administers the decentralized procurement, contracting, personnel and accounting functions for the CWClB.   Other areas of responsibility include:

          • Formulate agency budget proposals
          • Approving and monitoring expenditures
          • Complete decision items, budget amendments, and supplemental requests
          • Supervise Administrative staff members
Email   Lisa Barr, Board Coordinator & Public Information Officer
Phone Number 303.866.3441 x3244

Lisa coordinates all logistics and materials for the CWCB Board meetings and hearings.  Lisa also acts as the CWCB Public Information Officer as well as provides administrative support to the CWCB Director. Other areas of responsibility include:

  • Making operational decisions regarding location, scheduling, and travel for Board members
  • Prepare agendas and materials
  • Collect information from staff, disseminate information to the Board and the public
  • Handles open record requests in compliance with state law, regulations and policies
Email   Steve Shull, Accountant
Phone Number 303.866.3441 x3235
Steve manages, processes, reviews and maintains the CWCB's daily financial activities, including accounting record invoices and payments. He also handles all the contracts for the CWCB. Other areas of responsibility include:

  • Fiscal status report preparation
  • Investigation and resolution of problems occurring within the programs
  • Review of accounting reports and statements to assure an accurate reflection of fiscal conditions for the CWCB
Email   Steve Wolff, Office Coordinator
Phone Number 303.866.3441 x3242
Steve provides administrative support to the office staff and assists the Budget Analyst and Accountant with fiscal activities.  He manages and coordinates general office operations related to office procedures, mail, and staff travel. Other areas of responsibility include:

  • Oversee office administration and reception
  • Maintain agency contact databases
  • Administrative support for the Director and Deputy Director
Email   Doug Maul, Receptionist
Phone Number 303.866.3441 x3223
Doug provides administrative support for the CWCB by performing front desk duties, including reception, mail processing, filing, word processing and invoice payment. Doug also assists with administrative tasks such as word processing, typing, and data entry. Other areas of responsibility include:

  • Answer all incoming calls and receive all visitors
  • Data entry of agency financial payments
  • Assist with staff travel arrangements, meeting reservations, and equipment and vehicle maintenance
  • Day-forward imaging of CWCB documents