United States Department of Agriculture
Natural Resources Conservation Service
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Title 170, Part 580, Cartography and Geographic Information Systems Manual

Manual State Supplement
Title 440, Part 512, Conservation Program Contracting,
Subpart A, General Information

General Manual
Title 120, Part 406, Acquisition,
Subpart N, Contracts and Agreements Numbering System

Title 360, Part 420, Safety and Health Management Program,
Subpart X, Bloodborne Pathogen Program

Title 360, Part 428, National NRCS Volunteer Services - Earth Team,
Subpart A, Authorization

Subpart B, Program Responsibilities 
Subpart C, Eligibility Earth Team Volunteers - Earth Team 
Subpart D, Volunteer Status
Subpart E, Documentation and Forms 
Subpart F, Security and Financial Disclosure
Subpart G, Recognition of Volunteer Services
Subpart H, Reporting Requirements
Subpart I, Reserved
Subpart J, Exhibits

Title 450, Part 412, Prohibited Technical Assistance,
Subpart A, General Purpose and Policy

General Manual State Supplement
Title 120, Part 407, Real Property

Title 180, Part 409, Conservation Planning Policy 

Title 180, Part 409, Conservation Planning Policy

Title 250, Part 404, Fiscal,  Subpart B, Travel 

Title 450, National Handbook of Conservation Practices, Notice 147 

National Bulletins
National Bulletin: 190-9-4                                          Action Required By: December 19, 2008
Subject: National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) Cooperating Agency Status Report
The purpose of this national bulletin is to obtain progress information related to the invitation of Federal agencies to be cooperating agencies on Natural Resources Conservation Service NEPA Environmental Assessments or Environmental Impact Statements.

National Bulletin: 190-9-5                                           Action Required By: December 19, 2008
Subject: Society for Range Management Annual Meeting
This national bulletin advises of and solicits participation in the 2009 Society for Range Management annual meeting.

National Bulletin: 190-9-6                                            Action Required By: January 16, 2009
Subject: Fiscal Year 2008 Plant Materials Program Awards of Excellence
This national bulletin requests nominations for Fiscal Year 2008 Plant Materials Program Awards of Excellence.

National Bulletin: 290-9-2
Subject: CEAP Fish and Wildlife Bibliography

This national bulletin announces the availability of the Conservation Effects Assessment Project fish and wildlife bibliography.

National Bulletin: 290-9-3
Subject: Distribution of Journal of Soil and Water Conservation CEAP Special Issue
This national bulletin announces distribution of the October–November 2008 special edition of the Journal of Soil and Water Conservation.

National Bulletin: 290-9-4
Subject: Activities of the Resources Inventory and Assessment Division
This national bulletin announces the distribution of the September–October 2008 report of Resources Inventory and Assessment Division activities.

National Bulletin: 290-9-5
Subject: Availability of October 2008 CEAP Highlights
This national bulletin announces the availability of the October 2008 edition of Conservation Effects Assessment Project (CEAP) Highlights.

National Bulletin: 300-9-7                                            Action Required By: December 31, 2008
Subject: Easement Programs Interim Easement Data Entry Tool Clean-Up
This national bulletin provides guidance on the clean-up and verification of the accuracy of data in the Interim Easement Data Entry Tool for the Wetlands Reserve Program, Farm and Ranch Lands Protection Program, Emergency Wetlands Reserve Program, and the Emergency Watershed Protection Program Floodplain Easements, in conjunction with the financial audit follow up activities.

National Bulletin: 300-9-8
Subject: Wetlands Reserve Program (WRP), Farm and Ranch Lands Protection Program (FRPP), Healthy Forest Reserve Program (HFRP), Grasslands Reserve Program (GRP), Appraisals
This national bulletin provides guidance about release of information to appraisers.

National Bulletin: 300-9-9
Subject: Wetlands Reserve Program (WRP) Use of Prior Year Funds for Cost Over-Runs
This national bulletin documents the process for States to utilize prior-year funds for legitimate in scope changes to existing contracts.  This process was provided to State WRP Managers via e-mail on November 18, 2008.

National Bulletin: 300-9-10                                              Action Required By: December 31, 2008
Subject: Wetlands Reserve Program (WRP) Re-obligation of Contracts Using Current Year Funds
This national bulletin provides guidance on the use of current year WRP Financial Assistance funds for Budget Object Code and audit clean-up actions.

National Bulletin: 330-9-1
Subject: Financial Audit Quality Assurance Study Site Visits
This national bulletin informs States, Centers and National Headquarters of the Quality Assurance Study being conducted as part of the NRCS Fiscal Year 2008 financial audit response.

National Bulletin: 340-9-6                                                Action Required By: January 30, 2009
Subject: Extension of Fiscal Year (FY) 2009 Performance Goal Setting Process
This national bulletin extends the deadline for setting fiscal year (FY) 2009 State performance targets.

National Bulletin: 340-9-7                                                Action Required By: January 30, 2009
Subject: Discontinuation of Program Code CTA-GLC
This national bulletin explains discontinuation of program code CTA-GLC in fiscal year 2009 and provides guidance for converting associated State and Local Program codes.

National Bulletin: 360-9-15
Subject: Two-Factor Authentication for Contractors, Affiliates, and Volunteers and the Non-Employee Identity System (NEIS

This national bulletin informs NRCS contractors, affiliates, and volunteers of the personnel information required for the Non-Employee Identity System for implementation of Two-Factor Authentication.

National Bulletin: 360-9-16                                                Action Required By: January 16, 2009
Subject: Agriculture Conservation Experienced Services (ACES) Program Draft Manual
This national bulletin solicits review and comments on the draft Agriculture Conservation Experienced Services Program Manual.

National Bulletin: 440-9-2,
Subject: Guidance for Resolution of Eligibility Issues for Prior Year ProTracts Program Contracts

This national bulletin provides guidance for resolution of eligibility issues for prior-year program contracts administered through ProTracts.

National Bulletin: 440-9-3
Subject: Eligibility Determinations in ProTracts
This national bulletin notifies States of the following: (1) the impacts of the Farm Services Agency subsidiary rollover for FY 2009 to existing contracts within ProTracts; (2) the anticipated timeline for FY 2009 eligibility determinations; and (3) the actions to be taken by the NRCS with program contract responsibilities.

National Bulletin: 440-9-4
Subject: Corrective Actions for Expired Conservation Program Contracts (CPC) in ProTracts
This national bulletin clarifies Conservation Program Contract administration policy in the Conservation Programs Manual, Title 440, Part 512 and provide guidance to States for administrative actions.

National Bulletin: 440-9-5
Subject: Open Obligations - Audits - Appeals and Equitable Relief 

This national bulletin provides appeals and equitable relief guidance related to the review of open obligations.