ISU Extension News RSS Feeds

RSS (Really Simple Syndication) is an easy way to get the news you want whenever it is updated even if you are not on the Iowa State University Extension Web site. ISU Extension provides continually updated feeds from several topic areas and delivers them directly to your desktop news reader.

Available RSS feeds from ISU Extension
ISU Extension currently offers RSS feeds from 15 topic sections. Click on the topic below that you would like to receive and follow the instructions below to add to your news reader.

All Extension News        RSS feed - all
Business and Industry Business and Industry RSS feed
Community Economic Development Community  Economic Development RSS feed
Crops Crops RSS feed
Environment Environment RSS feed
Farm Management Farm Management RSS feed
Finances Finances RSS feed
Health and Nutrition Health and Nutrition RSS feed
Home and Family Home and Family RSS feed
Kids and Teens/4-H Kids and Teens 4H RSS feed
Livestock Livestock RSS feed
Yard and Garden Yard and Garden RSS feed
Administration Extension Administration RSS feed
Audio Interviews Audio RSS feed
Invest Wisely                                           Audio RSS feed


Accessing RSS feeds
There are several ways to access RSS feeds. You can install a news reader that displays RSS feeds from the Web sites you select. Like an e-mail program or a Web browser, the news reader serves as an information portal, and provides a real-time interface to the feeds you select. Once the RSS reader is set up to access the Extension news site, it will continually poll the RSS feeds for Extension’s latest news.

A number of free and commercial news readers are available for download. Check these news reader lists:

After installing the news reader, you can add each feed manually from the Web site by clicking on the "XML" button next to the feed you choose. The URL will end with "xml." Enter the URL into your news reader. Your news reader will check periodically for new items on your selected sites, bringing you a customized list of the latest headlines.

The ISU Extension feeds in the RSS format are provided for use by individuals for personal, non-commercial uses. In addition, news media may use these releases through their media venues. Attribution to Iowa State University Extension must be provided in connection with your use of the feeds.

ISU Extension reserves the right to cease offering these feeds at any time or to require you to cease distributing these feeds at any time for any reason.
Invalid URI: The URI is empty. Author: J. Wiebke