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Time is Now to Reserve Your Share
in a Community Supported Farm

2006 Twin Cities CSA Directory Available

CONTACT: Brian DeVore, LSP, 612-729-6294;

— Twin Cities-area consumers who want to receive fresh, naturally-produced vegetables on a weekly basis during the 2006 growing season should reserve a share in a Community Supported Agriculture farm now.

Community Supported Agriculture, also known as CSA, is an arrangement where people buy shares in a farming operation on an annual basis. In return, the farmers provide a weekly supply of fresh, natural produce throughout the growing season (approximately June to October). Shares are often sold out by early spring. The details of the share arrangements and the prices charged for the shares vary from farm-to-farm. More than two-dozen CSA farms have sprung up in the Twin Cities-western Wisconsin region within the past 17 years, providing consumers a wide variety of choices.

For a free guide describing CSA farms that serve the Twin Cities region, log onto (click on Food & Farm Connection), or connect directly to: For a paper copy, call the Land Stewardship Project at 651-653-0618, or stop by its downtown White Bear Lake office at 2200 4th Street (second level).

The Land Stewardship Project’s latest audio podcast on CSA farming can be found at




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Tel: 651 653-0618
©Land Stewardship Project, 2001

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