Office Of the Special Trustee
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firefighters carrying out a prescribed fire on a reservation
Trust Assets Afire
By Debby Pafel, public affairs specialist, OST

December 2, 2008

Fiduciary trust officer Karen Whitenton sitting behind her desk, explaining paperwork to a beneficiary
Office of Special Trustee Seeking Missing Trust-Account Holders
‘Whereabouts Unknown’ Outreach By Debby Pafel, public affairs specialist, OST

December 1, 2008

Team leader Brady Luxon at work at his computer.
‘Checking in’ With Trust Support Team
By Debby Pafel, public affairs specialist, OST

December 1, 2008

Smiling, older woman holding an infant in her arms.
Bureau of Indian Affairs, Office of the Special Trustee Develop Joint Social Services Training
By Debby Pafel, public affairs specialist, OST

November 9, 2008

OST Deputy Chief Appraiser Eldred Lesansee and Regional Appraiser Jenness having a conversation in a plane.
Office of the Special Trustee Fills Deputy Chief Appraiser Position
By Debby Pafel, OST Public Affairs Specialist

November 9, 2008

three young children smiling for the camera
Tribal Self-Governance Celebrates 20 Years
By Jerry Chavez, OST

July 11, 2008

Hands of Fiduciary Trust Officer providing pamphlet to trust beneficiary
Lineage Leads to Money,More
Submitted by Debby Pafel, External Affairs, OST

May 30, 2008

Logo for Office of the Special Trustee
Cobell Update
Submitted by Debby Pafel, External Affairs, OST

April 14, 2008

DOI Seal U.S. Department of the Interior
1849 C Street, NW
Washington, DC 20240