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The Hub @ WT's - UK's new Information Commons

One of UK’s newest and most exciting projects opens its doors on March 27, 2007—an Information Commons* Center named the HUB @ WT’s is located on the lowest floor of the W.T. Young Library. Imagine this: a reference staff with an IT presence! But the Hub @ WT’s is much more than that.

UK President Lee Todd at the Hub @ WT’s grand opening

At its grand opening, President Lee T. Todd, Jr. called the Hub @WT’s “a very cool place where students will have the latest technology in a collaborative environment.”

“Funded by the university, the Libraries, and by UK's Information Technology, this center will serve 'the internet Generation' (aka, Net Gen)—students who prefer working in an electronic, interactive environment,” says Toni Greider, one of the project founders.

Students will be able to use wired and wireless connection in the area. There will be work stations with either single or group computers supporting numerous solutions to class assignments. And there is a eating area Grub @ the Hub, so students can continue working on projects without having to leave the library.

Thousands of students use the library every evening. Some will want to work quietly in the traditional “quiet contemplation areas on the upper floors of Young Library while others will prefer the Hub @ WT’s, which offers a vibrant, electronically interactive atmosphere,“ says Mark Denomme, another one of the project designers. Denomme a UK IT Senior Director is part of the team that conceptualized, designed and implemented the Hub @ WT’s for the Net Gen.

Freshmen Miranda Hacker and Megan Eagan study at the Hub.

Freshmen Miranda Hacker and Megan Eagan learned about the Hub in their UK 101 class. They like the wireless connectivity and the ease of being able to solve problems as a team.

The Hub @ WT’s is an example of a beautiful collaborative effort between the UK library system and Information Technology. There are three areas in the center with experienced IT staff and many computer work stations. Students can take technical–support classes or ask for help with technical problems. The HUB area features IT computer labs with Macs and Windows, and four high-end media editing stations, and two smart-collaboration rooms for workgroup support (The last two will be open by the end of the semester).

The director, Stacey Greenwell says “The Hub @ WT’s is for students looking for software beyond e–mail and the ability to download a document. Net Gen students want to be able to make Powerpoint presentations, edit photos in Photoshop and create and edit with web authoring tools. Students will have rooms with projectors, so they can practice their PowerPoint presentations after they create them.”

Beatty Lee London studies chemistry at the Hub

Chemistry major, Beatty Lee London spreads out her class notes on two desks and solves chemistry problems on a large white board.

Greenwell also anticipates that “UK’s new faculty coming to support UK’s strategic plan will expect more electronic and print resources and technical support for themselves and for their students. The assignments made by new faculty will require high–tech solutions.”

Even the Donovan Trust is in on the excitement of the Hub @ WT's. Doreen Maloney, UK Fine Arts faculty, is exhibiting her digital art projects in the Hub and eventually the digital work of her students. This is not being done on any other university or college campus - all made possible by a Donovan grant.

The Hub‘s help desk

The Hub‘s help desk provides students with around–the–clock reference support. Students can also go to an attached eating area Grub @ the Hub for a snack break.

And Phase 2 of the Hub @ WT’s hopes to launch a Kinko printing service and adaptive technology for visually impaired students along with tutoring support.

“The Hub @ WT’s is truly a one stop studying and socializing shop for Net Gen students,” says Greenwell. “We will provide them with the ‘Latest and Greatest’ – all in the HUB!”

* The Informations Commons is an idea developed by Donald Beagle in 1999 when he envisioned a “functional integration of technology and service deliver to realign the library with rapidly evolving digital environment.” Donald Beagle, Library Director Abbot Vincent Taylor Library, Belmont Abbey College, Belmont, NC.