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What's New™ has moved to a quarterly publication cycle. The following tables list what's been added in the September 29, 2005, edition of the National Atlas and provide handy links to our latest products and services.

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downMap Layers
downPrintable maps
downDynamic Maps


Map Maker

Map Maker icon

There are a few new things you can do with the Map Maker in this release.

  Now with one click you can erase everything and start over with a plain map of North America. If you'd rather just clear your map and start adding new map layers, you can do so with a single button press.   Ever wanted to save your map so that you could retrieve it later? Now you can. And we've made it easy for you to share your maps with others using electronic mail too.
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Map Layers

Map Layers icon The following Map Layers are new in this edition of the National Atlas of the United States®:
Biology Land Cover 200 Meter Resolution
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National Fire Plan - Hazardous Fuels Reduction Program 2004
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Climate Tornadoes 1950-2004
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Geology Shaded Relief Ocean
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Shaded Relief Land and Ocean
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Shaded Relief Land - Gray - 1 Kilometer Resolution
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Shaded Relief Land - Gray - 200 Meter Resolution
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Transportation Amtrak Stations
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Water Water Use 2000
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The following Map Layers have been updated since our previous edition:
Biology Land Cover 1 Kilometer Resolution
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Africanized Honey Bees
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Boundaries 109th Congressional Districts
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Climate Tropical Cyclones - Atlantic Tropical Cyclones
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Tropical Cyclones - Major Landfalling Atlantic Hurricanes
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Tropical Cyclones - Pacific Tropical Cyclones
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Geology Ocean Depth - Bathymetry
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Shaded Relief Land - Color - 1 Kilometer Resolution
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People Unemployment Rates: 2000-2004
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Transportation Railroads Read more View in Map Maker
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Printable Maps

Printable Maps icon We've added new Printable Maps in this edition.
Boundaries 109th Congressional District Maps — Party Affiliation Read more
North America General Reference Map Read more
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Dynamic Maps

Dynamic Maps animated GIF icon All of the following Dynamic Maps have been updated or redesigned:
Biology Vegetation Growth Read more
Zebra Mussels Read more
Geology Volcanoes Read more
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Atricles icon These new Articles have been added to™:
Agriculture Satellite Images of Environmental Change: Imperial Valley 1973 to 1992 Read more
Climate When and Where Do Tornadoes Occur? Read more
Geology Landslide Types and Processes Read more
Mount Rainier—Learning to Live with Volcanic Risk Read more
Government A National Monument, Memorial, Park... What's the Difference? Read more
The Beginnings of the U.S. Geological Survey Read more
History History of Railroads and Maps - Part 2 Read more
People Age 2000 Read more
The 65 Years and Over Population: 2000 Read more
The following Articles have been updated since our previous edition:
Boundaries Saving Time, Saving Energy Read more
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