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Tom Green

Texas CropMAP

Tom Green

Total population (1990 census): 98458
County seat: San Angelo

Extension office


Cereals, Pseudocereals, Oilseeds
Industrial, Fiber
Small Fruits
Tree Fruits and Nuts
Herb, Aromatic, Medicinal, and Bioactive

Crop Statistics (1997 US Census of Agriculture)

Cereals Farms Acres Yield
Maize=Corn 9 1688 236559 bu
Sorghum for Grain or Seed 161 43283 1789393 bu
Wheat for Grain, Total 185 31694 1024253 bu
Oats 20 723 30542 bu
Forages Farms Acres Yield
Total Hay* 214 12033 23494 tons, dry
Alfalfa Hay 17 1015 4026 tons, dry
Small Grain Hay 49 1388 2110 tons, dry
Tame Hay 150 7996 14496 tons, dry
Wild Hay 3 120 130 tons dry
Grass Silage 20 1514 8193 tons, grn
Sorghum for Silage or Green Chop 6 637 D
Vegetables Farms Acres Yield
Cantaloupes 3 D  
Fruits and Nuts Farms Acres Yield
Peaches 8 4 170 trees
Pecans 94 620 14314 in shell
Other Crops Farms Acres Yield
Cotton 187 76382 55969 bales
Other 3 334 X
Nursery and Greenhouse Crops, Cut Christmas Trees Harvested, Mushrooms, and Sod Grown for Sale Farms Sq. ft. under glass or other protection Acres in the open Sales ($1,000)
Nursery and Greenhouse Crops 8 D D D
Floriculture Crops 7 D D D
Bedding and Garden Plants 5 D D D

*Alfalfa, grass silage, green chops etc.
D=Withheld to avoid disclosing data for individual farms.
X=Not applicable.