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Texas CropMAP


Total population (1990 census): 38263
County seat: Bastrop

Extension office


Cereals, Pseudocereals, Oilseeds
Industrial, Fiber
Small Fruits
Tree Fruits and Nuts
Herb, Aromatic, Medicinal, and Bioactive

Crop Statistics (1997 US Census of Agriculture)

Cereals Farms Acres Yield
Maize=Corn 24 2358 253599 bu
Sorghum for Grain or Seed 10 1805 105383 bu
Wheat for Grain, Total 5 141 4171 bu
Oats 4 26 600 bu
Forages Farms Acres Yield
Total Hay* 818 31762 82645 tons, dry
Alfalfa Hay 16 307 656 tons, dry
Small Grain Hay 51 1705 2996 tons, dry
Tame Hay 735 27825 76209 tons, dry
Wild Hay 46 1568 2413 tons dry
Grass Silage 17 357 1108 tons, grn
Corn for Silage 3 D D
Vegetables Farms Acres Yield
Cantaloupes 3 Z  
Green Cowpeas and Green Southern Peas 4 3  
Cucumbers and Pickles 5 1  
Okra 3 D  
Hot Peppers 3 1  
Potatoes 3 D D
Sweet Corn 3 D  
Tomatoes 8 3  
Watermelons 10 79  
Fruits and Nuts Farms Acres Yield
Apples 5 5 D
Apricots 4 D D
Figs 4 3 D
Grapes 5 1 284 vines
Peaches 18 25 2156 trees
Pears 9 8 355 trees
Plums and Prunes 5 3 233 trees
Peanuts 5 673 709560 lbs
Pecans 87 2387 40341 in shell
Other Fruits and Nuts 3 D D
Blackberries 4 D 1835 lbs
Other Crops Farms Acres Yield
Cotton 7 835 779 bales
Nursery and Greenhouse Crops, Cut Christmas Trees Harvested, Mushrooms, and Sod Grown for Sale Farms Sq. ft. under glass or other protection Acres in the open Sales ($1,000)
Nursery and Greenhouse Crops 17 198624 928 3429
Nursery, Floriculture Vegetable and Flower Seed Crops 9 X D X
Floriculture Crops 7 D 7 365
Bedding and Garden Plants 3 2800 D 19
Cut Christmas Trees Harvested 3 X 95 150
Nursery Crops 4 D 21 390

*Alfalfa, grass silage, green chops etc.
D=Withheld to avoid disclosing data for individual farms.
X=Not applicable.
Z=Less than half of the unit shown.