- Free Web Tracker, Counter and Detailed Stats

StatCounter Free web tracker and counter

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Adding a Project
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Getting Started with StatCounter

We have created this guide to show our new members how to start using StatCounter just like our more experienced ones. Invest 5 minutes now reading this short guide and reap the rewards.

Adding a Project to your Account

At StatCounter a project is simply what is used to track your website. The first time you create your account, you will automatically directed to add a new project to your account.

The next time you want to track another website, you can simply add another project to your account. Go to "my projects" > click the "add new project" button above your current project, and simply follow the instructions.

Should I create a new project for each page of my website?

Absolutey not! We do not recommend this at all. Your website may have 1 web page or 1,000's of web pages. You will need only one project to track your entire website. You should not add a new project for every web page of your website. The system is designed to track all the web pages of your website from a single project. For example if you had 3 websites -, and this would be the ideal situation for having 3 projects.

How many websites can I track from my account?

You can add as many projects to your account as you need to track all your websites. We do not impose a limit.

Do I need to sign up for another account to track another website?

Not at all. Simply add a new project to your current account.

I didn't realise I could track all my websites from one account. Very few other services offer this feature. I accidentally signed up for another account that I want to close. How do I close it?

We understand. We offer a lot of features for free even pay services don't offer. You can close any unused accounts but before you close an account. Decide on what account you want to use as your single account, then from the 'my projects' page click the 'transfer project' to transfer all your projects to one account.

Installing the Code on your Website

This is clearly the mostly difficult part of the process for many webmasters our there - as we know some of our members are still mastering their web so to speak. But it is very, very easy. And we'll help you as much as we can through each step of the way.

The easiest and safest way to insert the StatCounter code onto your page is to do it by hand using a simple text editor such as window's notepad.

You can also use HTML editors (such as microsoft front page), but keep in mind that a number of these editors actually modify your html code, thus preventing it from working properly. The following list identifies quick fixes for a number of html editors to help with the code insertion process. if the html editor you are using appears to break the StatCounter code and is not listed below, please try to use the standard insertion method

Insert the StatCounter code with a text editor (standard) :

  1. Log into your account
  2. Click the 'installation and configuration' icon
  3. Click the 'install code' link
  4. Does your website use frames?
    • Your statcounter will work on both frame and non frames websites
    • When inserting the code - do not insert it on the page that contains the frameset tags - it must go in the main content pages of your site - the body pages.
  5. With your mouse, highlight ALL the code in the box at the bottom of the page
  6. Press and hold down the ctrl key, keeping the key held down press the 'c' key. (this will (c)opy the highlighted text into memory)
  7. Using windows notepad, macintosh simpletext or any other simple text editor, open the file for the web page on which you want to install the counter (most likely, index.htm or index.html)
  8. note : the file must be opened in 'text mode'. in simple text editors that's the default, in others you need to specify it.
  9. Put the cursor just above the </body> tag (for instance, or anywhere else between the <body> and </body> tags if you know what you are doing)
  10. Press and hold down the ctrl key, keeping the key held down press the 'v' key. (this will paste the code on the text editor at the cursor location)
  11. Save your modified web page
  12. Upload the modified web page to your server (publish it)

... now you're finished!

insert the StatCounter code using an html editor

front page 2002

  1. get the StatCounter html code for your account (see the standard install)
  2. copy the code (highlight it with your mouse then type ctrl-c)
  3. edit the page in the normal pane
  4. insert the cursor where you want the counter to appear
  5. on the insert menu, click web component.
  6. in the left pane, click advanced controls.
  7. in the right pane, double-click html.
  8. paste the code in the html markup (click inside window then type ctrl-v)
  9. click on ok, save your page and publish.

front page 2000

  1. get the StatCounter html code for your account (see the standard install)
  2. copy the code (highlight it with your mouse then type ctrl-c)
  3. view your page in design view (default view).
  4. insert the cursor where you want the counter to appear
  5. click insert -> advanced and select "html"
  6. insert the StatCounter code (click in window then type ctrl-v)
  7. click "ok"
  8. save and publish your page

front page 97 / front page express

  1. get the StatCounter html code for your account (see the standard install)
  2. copy the code (highlight + ctrl c)
  3. open your page in frontpage express.
  4. place your cursor where you would like the code to be inserted, and choose insert > html markup from the top menu.
  5. paste (ctrl v) the code into the window, and click ok.
  6. the code will appear as either a graphic or graphic icon.
  7. save and publish your page.

microsoft publisher

  1. get the StatCounter html code for your account (see the standard install)
  2. copy the code (highlight + ctrl c)
  3. open your page in microsoft publisher.
  4. click on bottom of page
  5. click insert, advanced and select "html".
  6. place your cursor where you would like to insert the counter
  7. insert the StatCounter code anywhere between the <body> and </body> tags (ctrl v)
  8. click ok.
  9. save and publish your page.

netscape composer

  1. get the StatCounter html code for your account (see the standard install)
  2. copy the code (highlight + ctrl c)
  3. open your page in the composer window
  4. choose preferences in the edit menu to open the preferences tab and select composer
  5. in the right panel go to external editors.
  6. click on the button choose next to html source to select an editor
  7. browse and find either notepad.exe (windows) or simpletext (macintosh).
  8. select the application and click to open.
  9. you have now selected notepad or simpletext as your default editor
  10. click ok and close the preferences tab
  11. in the edit menu select html source to edit the source code in your default editor
  12. insert the StatCounter code anywhere between the <body> and </body> tags (ctrl v)
  13. save and publish your page.

aolhometown (with easy designer)

  1. connect to your site
  2. click on 'edit my pages' on aol's menu bar on top of your screen
  3. enter your screen name and password
  4. on the next screen, select the page on which you want to insert the counter
  5. click on 'edit'
  6. wait for easy designer to load
  7. click on the blue 'click to get started' button
  8. once your page has finished loading in easy designer, go to the menu bar on top of the screen
  9. go to insert -> advanced html
  10. get the StatCounter html code for your account (see the standard install)
  11. copy the code (highlight + ctrl c)
  12. paste it (ctrl v) into the new window that opened on your screen (easydesigner advanced html editor)
  13. make sure that the code in the easy designer window looks exactly like the code we issued
  14. click on 'ok'
  15. drag the newly created 'html object' box wherever you want the counter to appear on your page
  16. click on 'preview' to check your work
  17. if you are happy with it click on the 'save' button on the easy designer menu bar

adobe pagemill 3.0

  1. get the StatCounter html code for your account (see the standard install)
  2. copy the code (ctrl c)
  3. open your web page in adobe pagemill.
  4. place the cursor in the place that you want to put the counter code.
  5. choose view / source mode in the top menus.
  6. paste (ctrl-v) your code into the html source code.
  7. choose view / source mode in the top menus (this will uncheck view / source mode in the menu).
  8. the counter code consists of the highlighted objects.
  9. save your document and upload it.

dreamweaver 2

  1. get the StatCounter html code for your account (see the standard install)
  2. copy the code (highlight + ctrl c)
  3. open your page in dreamweaver and click on the html tab
  4. insert the StatCounter code anywhere between the <body> and </body> tags (ctrl v)
  5. ignore broken image tags
  6. close the window and save the changes to your page
  7. publish your page

dreamweaver 3

  1. get the StatCounter html code for your account (see the standard install)
  2. copy the code (highlight + ctrl c)
  3. open your web page in dreamweaver 3.0
  4. select 'html source code' from the 'window' pull-down menu
  5. insert the StatCounter code anywhere between the <body> and </body> tags (ctrl v)
  6. ignore broken image tags
  7. close the window and save the changes to your page
  8. publish your page

hotdog pro

  1. get the StatCounter html code for your account (see the standard install)
  2. copy the code (highlight + ctrl c)
  3. paste copied code anywhere between <body> </body> tags
  4. ignore red highlighted code errors
  5. do not attempt to edit any code!

hotmetal pro

  1. get the StatCounter html code for your account (see the standard install)
  2. copy the code (ctrl c)
  3. paste copied code anywhere between <body> </body> tags
  4. ignore any markup errors

net objects fusion

  1. get the StatCounter html code for your account (see the standard install)
  2. copy the code (highlight + ctrl c)
  3. open your page in net objects fusion
  4. click on "layout properties"
  5. click on the "html" button
  6. click on "beginning of body" tab
  7. insert the StatCounter code into the text box and click "ok"
  8. save and publish your page.

visual page 2.0

  1. get the StatCounter html code for your account (see the standard install)
  2. copy the code (ctrl c)
  3. go to view > source ( in menu bar)
  4. paste copied code anywhere between <body> </body> tags
  5. return to page view (view > page)
  6. ignore all extraneous code on page. (it will not affect how the page displays in a browser)
  7. do not edit or delete any code!

BBEdit (MAC)

Single Page

  1. get the StatCounter html code for your account (see the standard install)
  2. copy the code (command c)
  3. paste copied code anywhere between tags
  4. ignore any markup errors

Multiple Pages

  1. On Preferences/Html sites make sure that your site is registered. If not, add it
  2. On BBEdit, open the index document of your site
  3. On your browser, get the StatCounter html code for your account
  4. copy the code (command c)
  5. Open Search/Find (command-F)
  6. On the Search window write
  7. On the Replace window paste the code (command-v) an write at the end
  8. Click on Multi-File search and Batch Find
  9. On the type of search pulldown menu select Web Site
  10. On the root pulldown menu select your site
  11. Mark Use File Filter and edit to make sure you will do the changes on your html documents
  12. Click on Replace all
  13. On the alert window mark Save to Disk and Show Results and proceed

MSN Groups

  1. You must choose the HTML only counter option when generating the code - MSN does not support javascript.
  2. get the StatCounter html code for your account (see the standard install)
  3. copy the code (ctrl c)
  4. visit the page you want to install the counter on e.g.
  5. make sure you are logged in with your .net account and click the "Edit this Page" link in the side menu to the left
  6. in the large "Create your New Page" box paste the copied code along with the rest of your site's HTML code (it's probably best to paste the code at the very start or the very end so as not to affect your website)
  7. click the save page button

  1. You must choose the HTML only counter option when generating the code - FreeWebs does not support javascript. So the best stats like the referring link will not work with FreeWebs.
  2. get the StatCounter html code for your account (see the standard install)
  3. copy the code (ctrl c)
  4. log onto and enter your username and password
  5. click the "Site Manager" link
  6. click the "Edit" button beside one of the pages you want to install the code
  7. click the "Edit" button the paragraph you want to install the counter
  8. select "Raw HTML Paragraph" from the Paragraph Type Drop Down Menu
  9. paste copied code anywhere in the large text area
  10. click the done button

  1. You must choose the HTML only counter option when generating the code - Xanga does not support javascript. So the best stats like the referring link will not work with Xanga.
  2. get the StatCounter html code for your account (see the standard install)
  3. copy the code (ctrl c)
  4. log into your Xanga account and go to "Look and feel"
  5. Scroll down to the area designated as, "Input your own Header HTML"
  6. Tick that selection
  7. paste the copied code
  8. click the save page button

  1. get the StatCounter html code for your account (see the standard install)
  2. copy the code (ctrl c)
  3. Login to your account at
  4. Go to Typelist Tab
  5. Create a New Typelist
  6. List type: Choose Links
  7. List Name: Choose a Name
  8. Under the Manage Tab: Add a New Item
  9. Paste the copied code
  10. Save Item
  11. Done
  12. Go to Configuration and Make sure you have selcted Text under Display Notes: as Text

Still Not Working?

If you still can't get it to work then you can login to your account and click "support" from the top navigation bar. Then click the "ask support" link in the left menu. Submit a ticket and if you give us your username, password and the URL you use for updating your website yourself

The rest of this guide is still being developed after this point.

The knowledge base answers the rest of these questions at the moment.

Blocking your own Visits from Being Tracked

There are two methods by which you can block your own visits from being tracked. If you have a fixed IP address it is very simple. Simply log into your account > click the

Configuring the Look of your Counter

At StatCounter offer probably one of the most configurable hit counters in the world.

Making the most of those juicy, juicy stats


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