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Montana CropMAP


Total population (1990 census): 5046
County seat: Shelby

Extension office


Cereals, Pseudocereals, Oilseeds
Industrial, Fiber
Small Fruits
Tree Fruits and Nuts
Herb, Aromatic, Medicinal, and Bioactive

Crop Statistics (1997 US Census of Agriculture)

Cereals Farms Acres Yield
Wheat for Grain, Total 252 231870 6490182 bu
Spring Wheat 244 215142 5999540 bu
Durum Wheat 13 3800 136266 bu
Winter Wheat 39 12938 354376 bu
Barley 132 61384 2719524 bu
Canola 16 2956 3334209 lbs
Mustard Seed 3 768 765460 lbs
Oats 5 534 20184 bu
Grain Legumes Farms Acres Yield
Dry Edible Peas 4 489 822380 lbs
Forages Farms Acres Yield
Total Hay* 107 18006 24275 tons, dry
Alfalfa Hay 89 12684 18441 tons, dry
Small Grain Hay 17 1499 1775 tons, dry
Tame Hay 29 2806 3020 tons, dry
Wild Hay 14 1017 1039 tons dry

*Alfalfa, grass silage, green chops etc.