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Pennsylvania CropMAP


Total population (1990 census): 28076
County seat: Tunkhannock

Extension office


Cereals, Pseudocereals, Oilseeds
Industrial, Fiber
Small Fruits
Tree Fruits and Nuts
Herb, Aromatic, Medicinal, and Bioactive

Crop Statistics (1997 US Census of Agriculture)

Cereals Farms Acres Yield
Maize=Corn 83 4195 331416 bu
Wheat 3 D D
Oats 35 606 35392 bu
Rye 3 D D
Grain Legumes Farms Acres Yield
Soybeans for Beans 3 102 4414 bu
Forages Farms Acres Yield
Total Hay* 234 18136 33746 tons, dry
Alfalfa Hay 116 5160 12313 tons, dry
Small Grain Hay 12 567 1263 tons, dry
Tame Hay 150 9048 15220 tons, dry
Wild Hay 29 1146 1252 tons dry
Grass Silage 49 2215 11096 tons, grn
Corn for Silage or Green Chop 92 3810 43977 tons, green
Sorghum for Silage or Green Chop 4 49 284 tons, green
Vegetables Farms Acres Yield
Head Cabbage 4 2  
Sweet Peppers 4 D  
Potatoes 5 41 D
Pumpkins 8 78  
Sweet Corn 20 181  
Tomatoes 9 D  
Fruits and Nuts Farms Acres Yield
Apples 10 96 7670 trees
Tame Blueberries 4 D D
Strawberries 3 D D
Nursery and Greenhouse Crops, Cut Christmas Trees Harvested, Mushrooms, and Sod Grown for Sale Farms Sq. ft. under glass or other protection Acres in the open Sales ($1,000)
Nursery and Greenhouse Crops 25 94118 396 659
Floriculture Crops 12 83018 D 392
Bedding and Garden Plants 12 D D D
Cut Christmas Trees Harvested 16 X 119 174
Nursery Crops 5 D D 26
Other Nursery and Greenhouse Crops 7 D 261 D

*Alfalfa, grass silage, green chops etc.
D=Withheld to avoid disclosing data for individual farms.
X=Not applicable.