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Pennsylvania CropMAP


Total population (1990 census): 46197
County seat: Lewistown

Extension office


Cereals, Pseudocereals, Oilseeds
Industrial, Fiber
Small Fruits
Tree Fruits and Nuts
Herb, Aromatic, Medicinal, and Bioactive

Crop Statistics (1997 US Census of Agriculture)

Cereals Farms Acres Yield
Maize=Corn 380 12055 1358357 bu
Wheat 113 1413 67398 bu
Barley 26 229 13042 bu
Emmer and Spelt 3 18 1045 bu
Oats 160 1587 98624 bu
Rye 7 78 2797 bu
Grain Legumes Farms Acres Yield
Soybeans for Beans 67 2139 95099 bu
Forages Farms Acres Yield
Total Hay* 487 21495 50485 tons, dry
Alfalfa Hay 395 11679 31447 tons, dry
Small Grain Hay 28 510 786 tons, dry
Tame Hay 203 3965 6888 tons, dry
Wild Hay 14 332 456 tons dry
Grass Silage 123 5009 32732 tons, grn
Corn for Silage or Green Chop 336 8784 134161 tons, green
Sorghum for Silage or Green Chop 4 24 72 tons, green
Vegetables Farms Acres Yield
Snap Beans 5 1  
Head Cabbage 4 1  
Cantaloups 5 10  
Sweet Peppers 5 5  
Potatoes 21 21 4803 cwt
Sweet Corn 25 83  
Tomatoes 9 8  
Watermelons 4 3  
Fruits and Nuts Farms Acres Yield
Apples 26 143 13866 trees
Cherries, Total 10 13 661 trees
Sweet Cherries 8 5 311 trees
Tart Cherries 7 8 350 trees
Grapes 4 D D
Peaches 10 39 3605 trees
Pears 5 6 356 trees
Blackberries 3 1 1600 lbs
Tame Blueberries 10 4 16545 lbs
Raspberries 6 2 2488 lbs
Strawberries 11 7 25730 lbs
Nursery and Greenhouse Crops, Cut Christmas Trees Harvested, Mushrooms, and Sod Grown for Sale Farms Sq. ft. under glass or other protection Acres in the open Sales ($1,000)
Nursery and Greenhouse Crops 21 78709 D 512
Floriculture Crops 8 65008 D 264
Bedding and Garden Plants 6 56558 D 205
Potted Flowering Plants 5 8450 D 59
Cut Christmas Trees Harvested 7 X 26 D
Nursery Crops 3 D D 3
Greenhouse Vegetables 4 D X 20

*Alfalfa, grass silage, green chops etc.
D=Withheld to avoid disclosing data for individual farms.
X=Not applicable.