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Veterans Health Initiative

Independent study courses to help health providers care for their veteran patients.

Veterans Health Initiative

The Veterans Health Initiative (VHI), an  Office of Public Health and Environmental Hazards program, offers independent study courses developed to recognize the connection between certain health effects and military service, facilitate better documentation of military medical history and prepare health care providers to better serve their veteran patients. 

The VHI independent study courses are accredited and satisfy medical licensure requirements by delivering important education and information in the specified areas.  These courses are a ccessible only through the VA Learning Management System (LMS), a web site intended for employees and staff of the Department of Veterans Affairs.   

In order to access a VHI independent study course, click on a subject title below, or log on directly to the 
VA Learning Management System.  A “Username” and “Password” are required to access the LMS web site. 

NOTE: These four VHI courses are currently available on the LMS web site:

  VHI: American Prisoners of War Independent Study       

  VHI: Medical Care of Persons with Spinal Cord Injury        

  VHI: Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder: Implications for Primary Care         

  VHI: Traumatic Brain Injury Web Course

When reading for general information or reference, and not for obtaining medical licensure hours, click on "Link to PDF" beneath an icon image below. 

Agent Orange

[ IMAGE : Agent Orange Brochure Cover ]

Link to PDF

Caring for War Wounded

[ IMAGE : Caring for War Wounded brochure cover ]
Link to PDF

Cold Injury

[ IMAGE : Cold Injury Brochure Cover ]

Link to PDF

Endemic Infectious Diseases of Southwest Asia

[ IMAGE : Endemic Infection Diseases of Southwest Asia Cover ]

Link to PDF

Gulf War

[ IMAGE : Gulf Was Veterans Health Brochure Cover ]

Link to PDF

Health Effects from Chemical, Biological, and Radiological Weapons

[ IMAGE : Health Effects from Chemical, Biological and Radiological Weapons Cover ]

Link to PDF

Hearing Impairment

[ IMAGE : Hearing Impairment Brochure Cover ]

Link to PDF

Military Sexual Trauma

[ IMAGE : Military Sexual Trauma Cover ]

Link to PDF


[ IMAGE : POW Cover ]

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[ IMAGE : Post Traumatic Stress Disorder Brochure Cover ]

Link to PDF


[ IMAGE : Radiation Brochure Cover ]

Link to PDF

Spinal Cord Injury

[ IMAGE : Spinal Cord Injury Brochure Cover ]

Link to PDF

Traumatic Amputation

[ IMAGE : Traumatic Amputation and Prosthetics Brochure Cover ]

Link to PDF

Traumatic Brain Injury

[ IMAGE : Traumatic Brain Injury Cover ]

Link to PDF

Visual Impairment

[ IMAGE : Visual Impairment and Blindness Brochure Cover ]

Link to PDF




OPHEH |  Environmental Agents |  Occupational Health |  Women Veterans Health |  Environmental Epidemiology |  Public Health

The Veterans Health Initiative is a part of the Office of Public Health and Environmental Hazards


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Reviewed/Updated Date: November 21, 2008