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Grantee Allis Wins Wiley Prize

Dr. C. David Allis, an NIGMS grantee since 1984, recently received the third annual Wiley Prize in the Biomedical Sciences. The international award recognizes "contributions that have opened new fields of research or advanced novel concepts or their applications in a particular biomedical discipline." Allis is the Joy and Jack Fishman professor in the laboratory of chromatin biology and epigenetics at the Rockefeller University in New York City. According to Dr. Günter Blobel, chair of the Wiley Prize awards jury, Allis is being honored for his "significant discovery that transcription factors can enzymatically modify histones to regulate gene activity." This fundamental work led Allis to propose the existence of a "histone code" of gene regulation. Allis will receive a $25,000 grant from the Wiley Foundation and deliver an honorary lecture at an Apr. 21 ceremony at the Rockefeller University.

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