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About this Site

Unified Identity

The College of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences Web site is purposefully designed for the college to capitalize on the collective strength of its academic, extension and research components while educating the public on its broad spectrum of services and information. The redesign brings focus, unity and communication strength to all aspects of the CAES Web presence.

User Experience

This design provides clear choices to the user as to where they can go, what they can do and how they can find information. Consistent global navigation allows the user to easily skip from one section of the CAES site to another and eases the learning curve as a user explores the site.

Accessibility Standards

CAES is committed to ensuring accessibility of its Web sites for people with disabilities. This site adheres to Section 508 of the Rehabilitation Act by employing specific Web standards and utilizing university-supported LIFT technology to create text-only pages.

Essential Tools

Included on every page are tools to find information, people, places and events.

Feedback Form

Errors or discrepancies should be reported to the Web team at For general comments/feedback on the CAES Web site, please fill out the Feedback form.

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University of Georgia (UGA) College of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences (CAES)