Association for the Study of Food & Society

Officers News


Publications Syllabi Set

The ASFS began to hold annual meetings in 1987. Since 1992, they have been held together with the Agriculture, Food, and Human Values Society (AFHVS). In 1996, the International Food Choice Conference joined them for their meeting in the United States and the Consortium for Sustainable Agriculture Research and Education co-sponsored the 1997 meeting. These annual meetings hold workshops, are opportunities to listen to and present papers and panels, chances to participate in roundtable discussions, and times to meet formally and informally with colleagues who hold similar or tangential interests.


Informing Possibilities for the Future of Food and Agriculture

2009 Joint Annual Meeting of the
Agriculture, Food and Human Values Society (AFHVS)
and the Association for the Study of Food and Society (ASFS)
May 28-31, 2009
Penn Stater Conference Center, Penn State University, State College, PA
Program chair: Clare Hinrichs
Local arrangements chair: Carolyn Sachs

Deadline for submission of abstracts: February 2, 2009

Our food and agriculture system now seems to manifest two opposing tendencies: one tendency is toward high technology, global sourcing, and disconnecting from “nature,” with profit being a key motivation. The other tendency is toward emphasizing natural processes and local sourcing, with building “community” and serving human needs being key motivations. The social constructions of the proponents of these respective tendencies inform social action to create social and biophysical infrastructures consistent with their preferred tendencies. Each tendency involves social, ethical, ecological and other issues that need to be closely examined from many different perspectives and discussed publicly. Understanding the divergences and convergences between these tendencies can inform the individual and collective choices that will shape our future food and agriculture system. Together AFHVS and ASFS are well-suited to examine the wide range of analytic and practice issues involved and to imagine the possibilities that can inform and invigorate public discussion.

We welcome abstracts for papers, posters, and panels on all aspects of food, nutrition, and agriculture, including those related to:

Art, media, and literary analyses

Change & development

Culture & cultural geography

Ethics & philosophy

Food safety & risk

Gender and ethnicity

Globalization of agri-food


Inequality, access, security, & social justice


Local food systems


Politics, policies, & governance in national & global contexts

Research methods, practices & issues

Social action & social movements


Science & technologies

Please contact colleagues now to organize thought provoking panels and events

How to Submit an Abstract

Deadline for submission of abstracts: February 2, 2009

All proposals must include, in this order:

type of submission (e.g., a paper, an organized paper session with separate abstracts for included papers, an organized panel of multiple presentations, a poster, or an event);

title of paper, panel, or event;

submitter’s name, organizational affiliation, and full postal mailing address;

submitter’s e-mail address;

submitter’s telephone number,

names and organizational affiliations of co-authors or co-organizers;

abstract of 250 or fewer words that describes the proposed paper, panel, or event;

(for panels and events only) the name and affiliation of the presider (moderator) and a tentative roster of the panel members or other participants; and

a list of up to six descriptive keywords/phrases for the program committee to use in organizing sessions and events, e.g., agriculture of the middle, globalization, teaching, food culture, or mass media.

Submission Procedure

Submit proposals by e-mail to Clare Hinrichs. Submission as an attachment in MSWord format is preferred; however, submissions can also be sent in the body of an e-mail message. Please place “AFHVS/ASFS Abstract” in the subject line of the email. Please name the Word document files with the lead author’s last name, followed by a period, followed by the first significant word in the title (example: Warner.Agroecology).

The conference organizers regret that we are unable to provide travel support for meeting participation.

We reserve the right to limit acceptance of multiple submissions by an author.

Send program correspondence to:

Clare Hinrichs
Department of Agricultural Economics and Rural Sociology
112F Armsby Bldg.
Penn State University
University Park, PA 16802 .

Student Paper Awards

To encourage participation by undergraduate and graduate students and to recognize scholarly excellence, both ASFS and AFHVS invite submissions to their student paper competitions. The details for these paper competitions are available on the respective organizations' websites.

An eligible paper must be sole-authored by a student (or co-authored by two students), be on a topic related to food or agriculture that is relevant to the conference, and have had an abstract submitted in response to this call for papers. A paper may be submitted to only one of the paper competitions, not both. Final versions of the papers must be submitted to the respective organizations student paper award committee by March 15, 2009. To receive their awards, winners must present their papers at the conference. Awards include paid meeting registration fees, tickets to the conference banquet, and small stipends.


For information about our past meeting, visit this page.

For information about AFHVS and past meetings and future announcements, visit their website.

For Richard Ryan's account of the 2004 conference (Agriculture to Culture: The Social Transformation of Food ), click here.

For Dorothy Blair's photos of the 2005 conference (Visualizing Food and Farm), click here.

To read abstracts of papers presented at the 2006 conference (Place, Taste, and Sustenance: The Social Spaces of Food and
, published in the journal Appetite), click here. Full texts of many articles are available to Appetite subscribers, or by purchase.



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