New July 2000

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Conservation Tillage Systems and Management: Crop Residue Management with No-Till, Ridge-Till, Mulch-Till, and Strip-Till (CD-ROM)

Editor's note
The following abstract describes a publication that is only available for purchase. A link to ordering information is on this page.

Link to orderThis publication on CD-ROM is an excellent resource for those interested in learning about the major benefits of conservation tillage.

It contains 29 chapters in PDF format with sections devoted to growing with conservation tillage, tillage system definitions, crop residue and irrigation water management, and water quality. Other chapters discuss residue management at harvest, estimating residue cover, crop response to tillage systems, costs and returns, soil compaction, controlled traffic, and converting CRP to crop production.

More than 60 university and industry specialists including agricultural and biological engineers, extension wildlife specialists, conservationists, entomologists, plant pathologists, weed and soil scientists, and agronomists contributed to the publication.

This CD-ROM includes a publication on the history of conservation tillage and a conservation tillage PowerPoint slide presentation. Also incuded are 13 additional PowerPoint slide presentations, many video clips of machinery in operation, educational video clips of wind and water erosion, and charts and maps of conservation tillage use in the United States.



MWPSCD45, new July 2000