Costs & fee payment

UAF's undergraduate tuition and fees for a full load of classes are way less than the national average. And UAF offers a full range of financial aid resources to help pay for your education. Tuition and fees may be paid online at or in person at the Business Office.

Tuition calculatorTuition and fees

Estimated 2008-2009 UAF Annual Costs

FRESHMEN and SOPHOMORES Alaska Resident Non-Resident WUE**
Tuition and Fees*
(30 credits, 100-200-level classes)
$4,918 $14,518 $6,973
Room and Board
(double room & 19 meals/week on campus)
$6,630 $6,630 $6,630
ANNUAL TOTAL $11,548 $21,148 $13,603

JUNIORS and SENIORS Alaska Resident Non-Resident WUE**
Tuition and Fees*
(30 credits, 300-400-level classes)
$5,428 $14,938 $7,738
Room and Board
(double room & 19 meals/week on campus)
$6,630 $6,630 $6,630
ANNUAL TOTAL $12,058 $21,568 $14,368

GRADUATE STUDENTS Alaska Resident Non-Resident
Tuition and Fees*
(18 credits, 600-level classes)
$6,256 $11,908
Room and Board
(double room & 19 meals/week on campus)
$6,630 $6,630
ANNUAL TOTAL $12,886 $18,538

* Includes Wood Center student life, student government, technology, transportation, UA network, athletics, Student Recreation Center and health center fees. Does not include health insurance, books, supplies, travel, parking, miscellaneous expenses or special costs associated with international or exchange students. Costs are subject to change.
** Western Undergraduate Exchange

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